First Day

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You are a famous actress and lately you have been watching bondi rescue inbetween work. You asked your manager if it was possible to arrange a little trip to Australia because you really wanted to see it in person. After a few days he called you back up and told you that the show's crew and head lifeguard offered you to spend two months with them at work and of course you accepted. As soon as it fir in your calendar you arranged your flights and apartment.

The day has come. You are about to start your first day as a lifeguard down at bondi. You walk up to the the tower on your first day, less nervous but rather extremely excited. You take one last deep breath before you walk up the stairs. You enter the tower and immediately are welcomed with open arms. Literally. Chappo comes up to you and gives you a big hug while saying "Nice to meet you, we're so pumped to have you here." "I can only say the same. Y/N, by the way.", you give back. You greet the rest of the boys.

CH: Chappo, this is Harrison, over there with the binoculars is Troy, and last but not least the man who will give you a little crash course on lifeguarding in a minute, Jake. I'm guessing you already met Hops?
Y/N: Yes, I was just over at his office.
J: Awesome, then we can get right into it.

Chappo and Harrison sit down next to Troy and look out the tower putting their concentration back on the beach. It isn't necessarily a busy day yet so they don't need all of them down on the sand. Jake starts showing you around.

J: Back here we have a little lounger for hurt patients so we can help them out or for them to wait for paramedics. Around here you can see all our medical equipment, over there as you can also read above our defib, that's there ready to grab in case we have to restart someone's heart. And lastly the probably most important part of this tower, over here we sit and monitor the beach with the binoculars or without all day every day. We use radios to communicate. If you ever see someone who might be struggling, let the boys on the sand know.
Y/N: Noted.
J: That's pretty much all for the tower. Let's go down and check out the equipment then I'll show you how to use our rescue board.
Y/N: Let's do it.

Jake goes out the tower and walks down the stairs, you do so too. You go into the tunnel.

J: Our buggies are currently all out on the beach but we'll take a ride later anyways so it isn't too tragic. We have tubes here too, but we honestly don't really use them that often, two jet-skis, only launched on extremely busy days or when we have to go further out into the water.
Y/N: Does that happen often?
J: Occasionally, yeah. The signs are all out on the beach. Over here some of our surfboards, you are free to use them in your lunch break-
Y/N: Pass, I don't even know how to stand on that thing let alone actually ride a wave.
J: Alright, good to know. Oh and our rescue board. We have rescue boards positioned along the beach and there's usually at least one on every buggy. We kept one here today because now it's on you to learn how to use them.
Y/N: Oh god.
J: It's not too hard.
Y/N: I know but just the thought of actually doing it in the water gives me anxiety.
J: *laughs* You'll be fine when that day comes.
Y/N: Let's hope so.

Jake takes the board and you guys go out on the sand next to the tower. He puts the board down on the sand and starts showing you how to use it.

J: You grab the board by the rope on the side of it, downside facing your body and sprint into the water. Try to run into a bit deeper water pushing the board before you then jump onto it. You can either jump on it with youe knees of on your stomach, I personally find it faster on the knees. Then you just start paddling as fast as you can.

While Jake is showing you how to use the board both Chappo and Harrison come running out of the tower.

J: When you get to the patient you sit up legs on the side. Tell them to lay on the board on their stomach and face forward. Pull them back a little, if they are to far up front the board will flip with the next wave coming in. Then just get on your stomach behind them and start paddling again until your back to shore or until a wave takes you in.
That was a lot at once, did you follow?
Y/N: Got all of it saved up here already.
J: Fast learner, love that. Now you try.
Y/N: Sure.

You get next to the board, grab it and pretend to run, then you get on it on your knees and pretend to paddle. You sit down on the board with your legs on the sides in the sand when Troy calls Jake through the radio.

T: Bondi central to Jake. Mate, all the boys are out, there's someone going under right in front of the tower, I need you to go in.
J: Copy, mate, on my way.

Jake takes off his lifeguard shirt and sprints to the rescue. That was hot. Y/N concentrate. Someone's drowning. You look out following the entire rescue with your eyes. You see the woman come off his board and then immediately giving the bondi rescue cameras a little Interview while Jake puts the board back. He then comes back your way. You clap while he comes closer.

J: Thank you, thanks. You appreciate it more than that woman.
Y/N: Didn't she thank you?
J: Nah. Not like I expect it but this one really felt like she got into trouble just to be on camera.
Y/N: Little downside of having a show about you guys' work on the beach, huh.
J: Yeah, but luckily not everyone is so desperate to be seen on TV. Anyways, where were we.
Y/N: Me nailing this move. *paddles sand*
J: *laughs* Right.

You finish the board rescue routine and you guys go back into the tower after Jake put his shirt back on.

T: How's it going, mates?
Y/N: I hope good.
J: You hope? Mate, she learns faster than some trainees.
T: Then it's already time?
J: Oh yeah.
Y/N: Time for what?

Jake goes to grab something behind your back while Troy makes a drum sound with his free hand.

J: Your very own lifeguard shirt!
Y/N: Oh my god, really?!
J: Welcome to the team.
Y/N: Thanks guys, this is better than I could've imagined!

You take off your tank top and put on your brand new own lifeguard shirt.

T: Perfect fit.
Y/N: You say it.
J: Time for your first patrol.

You guys head back out and are on your way to the southern end of bondi.

J: So, what's it like as a world famous actress?
Y/N: Not as glorious as everyone believes. I am honestly surprised no on here has asked me for a picture yet.
J: Oh sorry madame.
Y/N: *giggle* You know how I mean that.
J: Definitely.
Y/N: Honestly, I just love these moments when I can just feel normal. Like right now. You treat me like an ordinary person, which I am, not like most people who seem to think I'm some kind of goddess or something.
J: I can see their confusion, you sure do look like one.
Y/N: *blush* Thanks. By the way, I've seen your jet-ski skills, it's really impressive.
J: Thanks, I can take you on a little ride around bondi some time if you want.
Y/N: That'd be awesome! You know I-

The camera crew interrupts you.

Cameraman: Short interview, Y/N, please.
Y/N: Sure, what do you want me to talk about?
CM: Oh just about how's it been so far.
Y/N: Cool. *camera starts rolling * I've met some of the boys already in the tower and Jake has showed me around a bit already. This is all so exciting to me, I've watched the show on youtube and this all still feels like a wild dream to me, I am having the best time here at bondi.
CM: Thank you so much!
Y/N: Any day.

The cameras leave again.

J: Solid first interview.
Y/N: I've had people ask me about my sex life before, I'm sweet.
J: I don't doubt that. They seriously ask about your sex life?
Y/N: Oh hell they do, it's like I'm some porn actress not a thriller/adventure movie actress sometimes.
J: Disgusting.
Y/N: Mhm.

You eventually get to the buggy and go for a ride along the beach, Jake showing you all the important parts of the beach.

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