Lost Kid

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You are down on the sand patrolling the beach with Maxi on foot. You are in a conversation when suddenly a woman comes up to you.

Woman: Oh my god, Y/N Y/L/N I love you so much can we please take a picture?
Y/N: Of course!

The woman lowkey pulls you to the side to take a couple selfies. You notice Maxi talking to a little crying boy while still trying to smile for the pictures.

Y/N: I have to get back to work, nice meeting you.

The woman thanks you again before walking off. You come over to Maxi and the little boy who is now crying and throwing sand at Maxi.

Y/N: Wow, wow, wow, what's going on here. Hello, sweetheart, are you lost?

The boy calms down and looks up at you. Maxi looks over to you.

Y/N: What your name?
L: Lucas.
Y/N: Hi Lucas, I am Y/N, this right here is my friend Maxi. We are lifeguards here at the beach, we'll help you find your parents, okay?

The little boy gives you a decent nod. You give him your hand and he takes it before getting up and you picking him up. You and Maxi start walking down the beach with the boy in your hands.

M: How old are you, buddy?
L: Th- three.
MA: Maxi to bondi central. We've got a lost boy here. Name's Lucas, he's three years old and currently wearing red shorts and a blue paw patrol t-shirt. Our current location is far up north bondi, we are heading towards the tower.
MO: Copy, mate.
MA: Are you here with mommy or daddy?
L: Mommy and Lola.
Y/N: Who is Lola, sweetie?
L: Sister.
Y/N: Your sister, alright. Are you maybe able to tell us what your mom or sister are wearing?
L: Bik-bikini.
Y/N: Right, color maybe?

The boy just looks at her.

MA: That's all we're gonna get from a three year old.

You are already halfway there.

MO: Bondi central to Maxi. We've got a mother up here in the tower, she's looking for her son, description fits.
MA: Sweet mate, we're there in a minute.
MO: Sweet.
Y/N: Did you hear that? Our friends found mommy!

You dance a little with the boy in your arms. Soon you arrive at the tower and the mother immediately grabs her son from your arms repeatedly saying "thank you, thank you". She then leaves. "First on land rescue!", Mouse says and all the boys in the tower, well Maxi, Jesse and himself, start clapping. You bow down jokingly.

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