Pervert Caught

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You are up in the tower with Reidy. He is monitoring the beach with the binoculars and you are looking out without.

R:...then it just jumped out of the water, it was massive!
Y/N: That sounds crazy, wish I could witness it while I am here.
R: There's a good chance, this year-

A woman suddenly comes into the tower.

Woman: Sorry, lifeguards?
R: Yes, what can we do for you?

She comes closer to them and explains her issue with her thick italian accent.
Woman: There is a man, he keeps touching women.
Y/N: On the sand or out in the water?
Woman: Mainly on sand. He touched me and I saw him touch some other women.
R: What is he wearing?
Woman: Grey shorts and a black shirt.
R: Any outstanding tattoos?
Woman: No not really, he has kind of like a beer belly.
R: Okay, we'll keep an eye on it thank you.
Woman: Okay, thank you!

She woman leaves the tower again.

The camerateam ask Reidy for a little comment.

R: We hate perverts down here, it's really just disgusting and an unnecessary waste of our energy. We want to worry about people who need help in the water, we don't need a pervert causing more trouble.

The cameras turn off.

Y/N: Do you mind if I go over to north bondi? Keep an eye on things there?
R: Sure, you don't have to ask me, you know.
Y/N: It's my first week, I'm not too confident yet.
R: Alright.

You take a radio and put it on your bum bag then you leave the tower.

You are up at north bondi casually monitoring the water. The bondi rescue cameras are filming you vividly. Suddenly a man walks up behind you and without you noticing nor the cameraman expecting what's about to happen the man puts his arms around your body, grabs your breasts and then wants to leave but your reflexes are faster. The cameras have now not just caught this assholes touching you but also you turning around and your hand giving him a less soft pash. The man still tries to leave but you grab him.

Y/N: I don't think so, disgusting asshole. *takes radio* Y/N to all lifeguards. I got our pervert, he's trying to escape my grip so if one of you could just pop over, please.
MO: Coming.
R: Calling the cops.

Shortly after you see Mouse coming with a buggy. He gets out the buggy and grabs the mans other arm.

Man: Why you taking me?
Y/N: Seriously? Just shut up, man, save your breath.

Mouse chuckles and they take him to the buggy while the man keeps trying to talk himself out of it.

They make it to the tower and only a couple mimutes after the police officers arrive. Mouse hands the man directly over to them.

Man: Why me?
Y/N: Officers, the man has been touching woman all over the beach including myself, there is really nothing more I think you'll need.

Reidy and Mouse look shocked when they hear you say the man touched you too.

PO: There sure isn't. We'll take him away.
Man: It wasn't me.
PO: Mate, she's a victim of yours and made a statement that really drowns you, it's over.
Man: She was asking for it.
Y/N: Excuse you?!
MO: In what way was she-
Man: She had her t-shirt tucked in her- in her top. Underneath.
Y/N: You're kidding right? It's hot outside and me pulling up my long sleeve t-shirt is "ASkiNg FoR iT"?!
Man: Yes.
Y/N: Okay, listen up, I could be standing butt naked in front of you and I still wouldn't be asking for it unless my mouth says it! But I can see why that sounds like a fairytale, I'm sure not many women ask that of you.
Man: You are a whor-
Y/N: Yeah, right, I'm done with this. Can you guys please take him away?

The police leave the tower with the man.

Y/N: Thank you for your service, we appreciate it!

You close the door behind the police and the boys applaud you.

R: Putting him in his place and roasting him at the same time, we love to see it!

You chuckle and go sit down.

MO: We had no idea he touched you too. Are you okay?
Y/N: Yeah, I- I've learned to live with it.

Later on in the after noon the camerateam asked you and a couple other lifeguards to sit down and give little interviews to what happened that day.

Y/N: Being in this industry unfortunately I have been touched in ways I didn't want to be touched by some people before and you never really get used to it. It's impossible.

Cameraman: Thank you.

You get up and Mouse is next. You walk a bit further away but can still overhear it.

Cameraman: What did you think when Y/N told you she's learned to live with it?
MO: When she told me that I was honestly shocked and I felt so bad. No one should ever have to learn to live with something as disgusting and disrespectful like that. It's terrible and I can't imagine how anyone could think doing that to someone is okay.

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