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Why Didn't You Tell Me?

TWENTY ONE,Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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LAKEN BLACK LOVED TO READ. Throughout her whole life she had read hundreds, maybe thousands, of books. In each book she had read their was always a page or a paragraph describing what it felt like when time stopped. But now that she was actually living it and it was her turn to tell about what it felt like. She couldn't. But she knew that this was the moment time stopped for her. This was the moment she knew that everything she had ever know was getting ready to change.

"Hey Mrs. Weasley are you okay? You've about choked the life out of that poor letter there." George said from across from her, his tone was joking but Laken could also hear the concern in it.

After not receiving an answer Fred reached over a gently pried her hands off of the letter before folding it and placing it on her lap and taking her hands into his.

"Hey love, what's wrong?" He asked softly as he started to draw soothing circles on the back of her hands.

"I-" Laken started but her breath got caught in her throat. She wanted to tell him, she really did but she was so shocked that she could barely get any words out.

"Laken?" Lee asked with concern.

"I gotta go." Laken suddenly said as she stood up, slipping her hands out of Freds and snatching the letter up before practically sprinting out of the great hall.

Fred went to follow her but George reached forward and grabbed his arm before he could get to far.

"What?" He asked as he turned to look at his twin with a panicked look on his face. He was clearly very worried about Laken.

"Give her some time man. Whatever was written on that letter clearly has her shook up. Give her an hour or so by herself and then we'll go find her. She probably just went to her room to calm down." George reasoned with him.

Fred hesitated for a moment before nodding and sitting back down, though his eyes still stayed on the doors of the great hall in worry.

He hoped she was okay.


LAKEN DIDN'T GO BACK TO HER DORM. No, she went to the one person who she knew would give her the answers she needed.

"Ah Ms. Black. I suspected you would be dropping by sometime today." Dumbledore said as the young girl entered his office.

"Did you know?" She cut straight to the point, trying her absolute hardest to keep her voice from shaking.

After a moment of silence he nodded slightly. "I found out a week or two ago yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Laken asked with furrowed eyebrows. This was big news involving her life, why would he keep it from her?

"Fleamont told me not to. I respected his wishes." Dumbledore explained, watching Laken as she walked forward and sat in the seat in front of him with a huff. "Ms. Black I understand that this news has come as a surprise to you, you may be feeling confused and upset but trust me when I say everything will soon come to light. I can't tell you much more, the information you are to learn mustn't be told by me. Your brother knows what he is doing I assure you."

Laken stayed silent as she took in his words. He was right, as much as the anticipation was killing her she needed to hear the truth from Fleamont.

"Though, I have looked into your brother for you, sorry this drama is just so entertaining and I couldn't help it."

"I'm glad my life is so entertaining to you." Laken said sarcastically, a small smile tugging on the side of her face as the old man let out a harty laugh.

"Sorry Ms. Black. Anyways like I said, I looked into him for you. He's an outstanding student, very brave. I'm sure he will be sorted into Gryffindor, or maybe Hufflepuff as he is known for his kind nature. That's all I can tell you but I hope it helped calm you a bit." Dumbledore said with a small reassuring smile.

"Thanks." Laken let out a breath. She wondered what her brother was like. What did he look like? Did he play Quidditch? What was his favorite subject? The more she thought about it the more curious she got, and although she didn't like it she found herself feeling more and more excited. She had a brother. A brother. Maybe just maybe, she wouldn't feel so alone anymore. She would have him. Her brother, who probably felt just as lonely as her. They would have each other.

Then she remembered something.

Out of all the chances he had been given, why had Lupin never told her that she had a brother?

And that's when the fury sat in.

"Thank you sir but I must go now." Laken suddenly said as she stood up, her chair screeching backwards as she ran out the door.

She wanted answers and she wanted them now. There was no way she was going to let him off the hook this time. If her brother was older than her by two years then there was no way Remus didn't know of him. That was back during the time when he was still best friends with her father.

Remus knew of Fleamont and she was determined to learn why he had never told her.

Finally reaching the DADA classroom Laken pushed open the doors and walked in angrily.

Remus turned around, surprised to see his niece walking towards him with a look on her face that could kill.

"Laken? What's wrong-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She suddenly demanded, slamming her hands down on his desk as if to show how angry she was.

But her act wasn't fooling him, yes she was angry. Very angry. But Remus could also make out the hurt expression on her face.

"Tell you what Laken?" He asked confused. He didn't remember keeping anything from her.

"About my brother! Why didn't you tell me I had a brother?!"

Oh shit.

Hey guys, how was your New Years?

What are your goals for this year? Mine is to get abs and to be less shy cause I have horrible social anxiety.

So I kinda want to do a q&a so ask any questions you may have in the comments. They could be about the book, me, my life, my other books. Anything really. When I do the q&a I'll tag u when I answer the question you ask.

What do you think is going to happen next chapter? Did Remus know? Or was he just as clueless as Laken?

Big brother will be arriving real soon. I wonder what he will think of Lakens love life lmao.

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