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Big Bambi.


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August 12th, 1981

"OKAY LAKEN! We have a big girl job for you." A smirking Sirius Black said as he clapped his hands and kneeled down in front of his daughter.

Lakens eyes lit up, her mind quickly processing that she was going to be drug into her dad and uncles mischief.

With her body shaking with excitement she quickly nodded her head causing her dads smirk to widen. She was exactly like him.

"That's my girl!" James cheered as he kneeled down next to Sirius and ruffled the blonde girls hair causing her to pout.

"So what I doing?" Lakes asked as she tilted her head to the side in wonder.

James and Sirius shared a smile before Sirius pointed to the kitchen door behind her.

"You see the door?" He asked causing her to nod. "We need you to stand outside of it and keep watch, if Lily tries to come in distract her. But if she pushes past you, yell "Severus Snape is a daft frog." Okay?" He finished explaining.

"What do you do?" Laken asked as she slowly started to back up to the door, already taking her position as guard pretty seriously.

James stood up straight and puffed his chest out proudly. "We battle."

Laken shot him a weird look before looking back at her dad. "I won't let you down daddy."

"I know you won't kiddo." Sirius smiled proudly as he watched his daughter leave the room, getting one last glimpse of her crossing her arms over her chest and scanning the room before the door closed, blocking his view.

"You ready Pads?" James asked as Sirius stood up and started to approach him.

"I am. But are you Prongs?" Sirius smirked as James rolled his eyes.

"Yea. Ready to beat your ass." James snickered before taking a few steps back. "Now we battle."

And with that said he transformed into a stag, Sirius following his lead seconds later and turning into a large black dog.

Sirius was quick to lunge forward, tackling his friend playfully to the ground as they rolled around on the floor trying to see who would come out on top.

In the next room over Laken Black stood with her eyes trained intently on the front door, waiting for it to open and for Lily Potter to walk through.

As if she had triggered the event, the front door opened and Lily came through with baby Harry on her hip.

"Hi sweetie." Lily smiled as she placed Harry down in his swing and sat her shopping bags on the floor next to it. "What are you doing?"

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