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Captain Snape.


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"BITCH ASS GINGER COMING YOUR WAY." Mia whispered loudly to Laken as she sat down next to her in the Potions classroom.

Lakens eyes widened and she looked back to see that Mia wasn't bluffing, Fred was on his way over with his dark eyes trained onto the empty seat on Lakens right.

"Fuck." Laken groaned.

It had now been two weeks since their fight and Laken has still been avoiding Fred at all costs. Though he never seemed to want to approach her anyways, instead of trying to apologize he has turned all his attention to Cho Chang who had been by his side almost all day every day since Lakens second date with Cedric.

Cedric and Laken and now officially been on four dates and we're doing exceptionally well, but every time she was with Cedric she couldn't shake away the feeling of sadness because she was with someone else other than Fred. She had missed him, but she couldn't forgive him. Not yet.

When Fred was about five steps away from the Black girl Snapes loud voice rung throughout the classroom stopping him in his tracks. "Mr Weasley don't bother sitting down, I have made new seating arrangements as most of you don't know how to keep your traps shut."

Laken let out a sigh of relief before grabbing her stuff and standing up, a smile growing on her face as she walked up to the frowning professor and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Thank you captain Snape." She said as she pulled away, looking up and smirking at his confused expression.

"Never do that again or I'll give you detention." He replied, disgust clear in his tone making her laugh before she walked back over to Mia, not even looking at Fred as his eyes burned holes in the side of her face.

"Okay now, these will be your new seats until you mess up again and I'm forced to move you,

Mia Evans with Lee Jordan,

George Weasley with Chris Rogers,

Fred Weasley with Robert Stan,

Laken Black with Cole Evans."

After he had said her name Laken smirked at a smiling Cole before walking over and sitting next to him in the front of the classroom, at least she didn't get put with Isabella Nimitz, that girl smelled like a fisherman's dream.

"Hey Nikki." Cole smiled up at the Black girl, referring to her as the nickname he had made for her after learning that her middle name was Nicole.

"Hey Evans." Laken smirked as she kicked her feet up on the desk and crossed her arms behind her head as she leaned back in her seat. "You're looking pretty good today."

"I- um- I yea, thank you." Cole stuttered, his cheeks burning red just like Laken knew they would causing her to smirk. Anytime Cole was complimented he would act all flustered and Laken often did it just to spark a reaction out of him.

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