The Accidental Superheroes

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"I'm just your average ordinary everyday superHERO!" I sang aloud. God I love that song. It's so freaking awesome. I'm kinda weird like that I guess. Haha. I always wanted to be a supehero, when I was little of course. Then someone told me that superheroes weren't real. After that it never really felt right to keep on wanting to be one when I knew that they weren't real.

But then today. Ben. The time trials. For some reason, it really got me thinking. I mean, he was a blur. I wasn't sure what the time was though, I never got to look.

Poor Ben. His whole life he'd been teased and tormented. Poor guy. He was actually really funny and nice. And he wanted to be a superhero, like me. His books were covered with little comics that he had drawn, and he always seemed to be staring out the window in class, not really there. I wondered where Ben had gone. He looked so frightened. His eyes were so wide and he looked like he was gonna have a heart attack. But my god, he looked so hot too. And yea, that sounds so, so weird, but it's true. His hair was sticking up and his muscles, which I didn't even know he had, where just like... Wow.

Oh my god, I have to stop thinking about Ben. Jeez. I wonder if his mom knows? Probably not. Holy SHIT! Someone had to tell her! She was gonna be so worried. She always worried about Ben. Crap. I hopped off my bed and slipped on my favourite pair of skater shoes. I jumped down the stairs three at a time and burst out the door. Thank god Ben only lived a few blocks away, I thought as I jumped on my skateboard.

Yeah, I know that sounds strange too. I'm supposed to be the pretty, popular captain of the cheer squad,but I only cheerlead because Mom wants me too. I love skateboarding. I just put on this big act when I go to school. I pushed my foot down on the ground, trying to go faster to get to Ben's house. Finally! I stopped at number 21 Gader street. I ran through the front gate and knocked on the front door.

Mrs Redmond opened the door, wiping cookie dough off her hands.

"Angie? What are you doing here sweetie? Come in, please." She looked so happy and Momsy and unworried. I shook my head.

"Mrs Redmond. I have to tell you something. Really important. About Ben" Her jaw tightened and her eyes were instantly worried.

"What's that honey?" she said, but her voice sounded strangled.

"Well, today at school we were doing hundred metre sprint time trials and--" She held up her hand. I stopped talking.

"I always wondered what he'd get." She said to herself. I frowned. WTH? She smiled sort of sadly at me.

"Thank you Angie. You might want to pack a bag tonight." Before I could do anything she had shut the door quietly in my face. Pack a bag? What the hell did she mean? I mean as if! But then again... something about the way she had said it. Like it was... I didn't want to think about that.

When I got home the first thing I did was find a large-ish bag and put my clothes and penknife into it.

The next day I gulped down my cereal. I picked up my school bag and rushed out the door. I hopped in my pink - blegh - Porsche. Why on Earth my Mom thought that I'd like this car is beyond me. But whatever. I don't want to disappoint her. I started the engine and drive to school. I tried not to think about last night. Surely I wouldn't have to use that bag?... I pulled into my spot and climbed out of the car. Instantly I was met with jealous gazes from the girls and admiring from the boys. I rolled my eyes. Why they thought I was so amazing, I really don't know. But I went with the flow. I'm cool like that. Haha. I felt an arm around me. Jack. Go figure. I shrugged it off.

"Back off Jones" I warned him. He just smirked. That irritated me.

"C'mon babe, you know that you like it secretly."

"Haha. That's funny. Because I really don't."

Being Jack he just smirked again and put his arm around my shoulder again. I sighed. At least he had determination. That's an admirable quality right?

Jack walked me to my science class. I rolled my eyes again and stepped through the door as he blew kisses at me. Whatever. My seriously annoying science teacher, Mr Kung, glared at him. I grinned.

"Alright my sweethearts," said Mr Kung in his nasal, permently sarcastic voice, "Please take out the homework that I set you yesterday." Homework? WTH? Oh Shiiiiit. Crap. If I don't have my homework Mr Kung is going to give me a detention, and if I get a detention my Mom is going to KILL me. Shit, shit, shit.

Mr Kung came round to my science bench, and I swear he was grinning, he can sniff out kids who don't do their homework like a freaking blood hound.

Then my eye started to twitch. I blinked a few times. They both began to twitch. What the...? I started to feel a kind of tingling feeling rise up through me. What's happening to me? I clenched my jaw.

"Mrs Walter. Where is your homework?" For some reason I felt powerful, I felt like I could do anything. I felt like I could convince Mr Kung that my homework was right in front of me.

"It's right here sir." I said, then gasped. That hadn't sounded like me at all, It sounded like someone with a voice so charming and honeyed that you believe every word that came out of their mouth, even if it was complete and utter bullshit. It sounded like a voice that could hypnotise someone. I looked up at Mr Kung.

"My homework is right here, isn't it guys?" I said again, and Mr Kung looked at me funny. His head tilted to one side and his mouth began to open slightly. I looked into his eyes, and they seemed to be swirling round and round.

"Of - course - your - homework - is - here. I - am - so - stupid." He said robotically. I began to realise what was happening. I glanced around the classroom. The other kids looked exactly like Mr Kung. Like brain dead idiots.

"Mr Kung, I felt sick ok? I went to the nurse and she sent me home. When I leave the building, you'll go back to being the mean, nasally idiot that you are. Except, everytime someone doesn't have their homework, you'll... oink like a pig." I said, satisfied that I had added that last bit. Then I bolted out there.

I am so glad that I packed that bag.

so like yea.... haha (: ok so i know that this isnt the GREATEST story of all time, but i think that its pretty funny and it will get more interesting once i actually get the character intros OVER. (:

thanks to everyone whos read this (: u guys are pretty cool... hahaha

so yea if you like it comment, if u dont comment and tell me what you dont like and ill fix it (: haha so thanks again dudes x

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