41: Confessing

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When we return to the house, the other four are in one of the living rooms off from the main hall. It's a strange sight, seeing my old friends and new ones altogether, probably something that I'll have to get used to.

Lexie and Axel jump to their feet at the sight of their leader, I notice the colour drain behind her purple strands while Axel stands tall. I wonder how long it's been since they last saw him... if they even see him often back in half-demon territory. My father never really knew Derek and Raya, never took the time to. I wonder if Ty's father is the same.

Lucas nods dismissively in their direction, turning instead to look at the unfamiliar faces still sitting on the couch. Raya looks confused, Derek's eyes flit to Axel and then he slowly stands too.

"I see this is the new addition", he says.

Raya turns to me.

"How many more half-demons am I going to be introduced to Emelia? This is starting to get ridiculous."

 "Raya", my word is a warning. "This is Lucas Blackrock, the high-demon guard."

I watch as her eyes widen, giving away her shock for only a moment before her face falls back to neutral. Silence follows as Lucas looks at her, waiting.

"I'm not going to stand if that's what you're waiting for."


"Are all your half-angel friends' ill-mannered son?"

Ty is still tense, the air around us has shifted. Everything feels like a formality now, am I meant to be following some sort of code like the other half-demons are? They're so... professional around their leader. This feels more like a business meeting rather than a conversation.

"Excuse her father, she's still in shock after her... ordeal."


"Her people interrogated her, believed she was hiding our location", Ty says stiffly. "Lexie was able to intervene before it was too late."

At this Lucas turns to face her.

"Saving half-angels now, are we?"

She slowly meets his gaze, her eyes fixed in a dark stare.

"What's one more? She could end up being of use to us."

Lucas doesn't bother to respond, turning back to look at Raya, she still hasn't moved from her place on the couch.

"You don't appear as though you went through much?"

His words are sharp, unnecessarily harsh and for a moment I think I see Raya's eyes glaze over.

"You don't know shit", I hiss. "She was on the verge of death when she was brought here and despite everything, she refused to give up your son's name."

I step forward, moving to stand in front of instinctively, placing myself between her and him.

"You should be thanking her."

The room falls silent at my words. Axel is standing off to the side with Derek, there looks to be the faintest trace of a smirk on Lexie's face and Ty... I don't know what he's thinking. 

"You heal remarkably fast half-angel", Lucas remarks, raising a brow. "Is there anything I should know?"

"No", Ty and I chime at the same time.

Wow... real fucking smooth.

Lucas doesn't look convinced, he looks back at Raya again.

"I was asking her."

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