3: Trapped

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I find myself marching alongside the familiar group of men, leading the fair-haired woman into the courtroom. The crowd inside erupts in anger once she's dragged through the large doors, they're unrelenting, shouting all sorts of abuse in her direction. But it's all such a blur and I'm not able to pick out any insult, in particular, leaving me with no answers as to why she's been brought here.

She's not shackled or handcuffed as she's brought in front of the Jury, there's no point, there's nowhere to run.

I stand still as I listen to the usual sentencing, the familiar discussion between the men sitting in front of her. The look of fear on her face is deeply disturbing, they're deciding her fate... and there's nothing she can do or say to change it.

"Treason... death."

I look up at the man standing in front of her, I can't make out his face through the hazy blue that is my warped vision.

Wait. I don't remember this part?

"You will have no further contact with anyone. Take her away." The voice booms through the court again as the crowd erupts once more, this time, they're happy.

I watch the familiar scene of the woman begging, fighting against the men pulling her out of the room. Her green eyes search around frantically looking for someone... anyone, before landing on me.
I can't breathe.

And then consciousness pulls me from my dream.

I jump awake to my alarm going off in my ear. It doesn't ring for long, because before I've even thought about what I'm doing, I pick it up and throw it against my bedroom wall. It smashes into pieces.

"Emilia! What was that?!", Amy shouts up the stairs.

Fuck sake.

"Nothing", I lie.

Why did I just do that?

"Well hurry up! Your father called, he wants you to meet him at the Guard once you're ready."

A feeling of dread forms in my stomach. I know my father well enough to know that he doesn't want me to stop by for a simple chat.

Did Raya tell him about last night? No. No, she would've got herself in trouble too, she wouldn't have.

The thought claws at my mind while I get myself ready. I leave my hair down, not even bothering to pull it back out of my face.

"Emelia! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming! Fuck me."

When I finally get downstairs Amy is sitting at the table. She looks up at me as I make my way to the front door.

"You need to eat-

"No time. Bye!"

I slam the door behind me before she can protest.


"I'm sure you're wondering why I've asked you in today when you're meant to be meeting with your patrol group."

I purse my mouth together in response.
"Yeah actually, I am."

He gives me a look, I know how much he hates how I talk informally in the Guard, even when there are no other higher-ups around.

"Well the reason is that I have good news for you", he says, turning towards his computer beside him, he's not looking me in the eye.

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