14: No Control

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He's wearing a black suit. Something I've seen my father wear so many times... so seeing this type of clothing on someone who is meant to embody everything that my Father isn't is making my skin crawl.

"Emelia, may I introduce Lucas Blackrock. The High Demon Guard."

It sounds so formal, and I... I don't know what to say.

The man standing in front of me towers over my height. With his black hair and dark grey eyes, I feel like I'm looking at an older version of Ty, except this one has no light in his eyes, only darkness.

"I've heard much about you, Miss Whitestone."

His low voice pricks my skin like tiny needles. There's no good in it. No light.

When I don't open my mouth to speak he simply steps to the side and holds out his hand, gesturing for us to step inside.

I quickly comply. Totally unaware of what's on the other side.

The room is enormous, at first glance it doesn't look like an office, or even remotely like I place you could work in. Long leather couches fill the centre of the room and silver chandeliers hang from the ceiling. I notice a desk tucked neatly away in the far corner of the room and in the other lies a large grand piano. The whole place looks vintage. Like an old men's lounge that holds exclusive and secret meetings.

I immediately feel out of place.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've requested your presence?" He asks, breaking the silence as I take in the room around me.

"Yes", I answer. "I was curious as to what business could you possibly have with me?"

I surprise myself with how steady my voice sounds. Not a single shake or waver in my words. That's good, I need to show my confidence, even if deep down all I want to do is run from this place.

"My son tells me you have abilities. Abilities that a half-angel shouldn't have acquired. So I have to ask, do you know how you obtained them?"

"I came here because I thought you'd be able to tell me?", I glance over at Ty.

Ever since we've come into the room he's acted differently. So far he's done his best to blend into the walls and stay out of his Father's way, leaving me to deal with all the talking.

Where's the usual cocky asshole that I know and love?

Hate! Know and hate!

I watch awkwardly as Ty doesn't return my gaze, but instead turns to look at his Father. The look between them confuses me, in it, they exchange a million words silently. But I can't tell what they're thinking.

"Care to include me in this silent conversation?"


This isn't good. There's something they aren't telling me, and with Ty constantly telling me to trust him, this just doesn't make any sense.

"Are you going to tell her or shall I?", Lucas directs to him.

And the look on his face tells me that I was right, they have been hiding something and now I'm going to find out what it is.

"Tell me what?", I demand. "Ty?"

For the first time since we've come into this room, Ty makes eye contact with me, and I can confidently say it's the first time I've ever seen him lost for words. There's no guilt in his look or any sort of emotion that shows he feels guilty about keeping me in the dark about whatever it is they haven't told me.

"I'm growing impatient", I hiss. "Either you tell me or I'm leaving."

Lucas walks around me, the corners of his mouth raised slightly as his eyes look me up and down. My eyes travel with his movement and once he's made his way around me I watch furiously as he settles into one of the leather armchairs in the centre of the room, nonchalant as ever.

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