His birthday (part two).

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Hero's pov

I pull on dark gray ripped jeans and a white hoodie. I add my chains, put on my 'Ferragamo' perfume and follow the amazing smell of waffles heading downstairs. I hear Jo jamming to music and I enter the kitchen. Uhh, it smells soo good. I smile at myself from the sight-Jo cooking in my kitchen, so content and in the right place. If this is how it's going to be for the rest of my life, I am more than ready to claim it.

I walk beside her and wrap my arms around her waist from behind, nuzzling my face in her hair.
Jo giggles. 'Hey'.
'It smells absolutely amazing!' I tell her.
'I bet it does.'
'Do you want some coffee?' I ask Jo untangling my hands from her waist, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
'Mmm...no thanks. Just some water.'
'Are we gonna eat here or in the living room?' I ask making my coffee in the coffee-machine.
'We can eat on the couch and watch a movie, if you want.' Jo tells me putting the last waffles on the dish.

'Ah, shit!' Jo exclaims. Turning around I see that she has burned her finger with the hot waffle-pan. I rush to her and take a look at her finger.
'Here. Put it under the water and trust me-you are gonna live.' I tell grinning at her.
Jo pulls her finger out of my grasp and shows me her tongue, acting annoyed.

'Okay, take the drinks and go put on "Mr.& Mrs. Smith. I'll quickly clean up the kitchen.'
'Thank you.' Jo gives a quick kiss on my lips and heads out of the kitchen.

Jo's pov

Hero still hasn't asked me about his gift, but honestly I would be surprised if he did. I put down our mugs on the TV table in the living room and quickly run up the stairs to get my gift for him. I am aware that he has almost everything that he wants, so it's hard to get him a gift if you look at it this way. But we've talked about this, and even if he keeps telling me that I am his gift, I wanted to get him something. My horoscope is Leo, so it's pretty obvious that I love to see the look in his eyes when I surprise him with something. It makes me feel proud and happy.

I take the small box from my bedside table and run back downstairs. Hero's already sitting on the couch browsing through 'Netflix'.
'Seem's like I can't trust you with important tasks.' He says smiling, still looking at the TV.
'My fault, sorry. But I have something for you, though.' I say making him focus on me now.
Handing him the box, Hero exclaims loudly 'Omg, I do, I do, I do!' He's obviously joking.
'Haha. You wish!' I reply. 'So, obviously I know how madly in love you are with your chains. And I also happen to love them on you, so-'
'Jo, you sh-' he tries to say.
'No, I remember our discussion about presents and my opinion hasn't changed, but I saw that your horoscope chain broke, so I contacted the same woman who made the other here in London through Mercy and she agreed to make another one for you. I said to make it a little bit different, thus I am not replacing the other one.'
'Wow!' Hero gasps opening the box and taking out the gold chain with a little scorpio symbol on it. This is the reaction I was thinking about. I love seeing him like this.
'Thank you! I love it. Really.' He says, pulling me on his lap and hugging me.
'Happy birthday, love.' I say back.
'I love you, Jo. And not only because of this.' Hero says, giving me a deep kiss on the lips.

Hero's pov

We have finished eating and Jo has drifted asleep in my arms, when I hear my phone buzzing. I carefully slip myself out from under her and silently walk to the corridor to answer my phone. It's my agent.

'Hey, Hero!' She says.
'Hey, Millie! How are you?'
'I am good, thanks. Listen, I know it's your day off, but it's important. Can you come down to my office? It's about a brand deal for you.' I curse internally. Why today? I turn my gaze to the living room and see Jo's puzzled look on me. Ugh, I fucking hate to do this. I walk back into the living room, so Jo knows what's going on.
'What about tomorrow? Can't it wait?' I ask trying to stay calm.
'Look, I know it's your birthday, which-by the way-happy birthday!' I can hear her fake amusement. 'But it's a big brand, and the longer we make them wait, the less likely they are to be welcoming in the future deals. I am sure, you know all this, so no-it can't really wait. Sorry.' She finishes slightly annoyed. My real agent Jamie is on her family-leave, so I have Millie. I know for a fact, that Jamie would never put me in this situation. Both me and Jo like Jamie better, but there's nothing I can do now.

I see Jo's shoulders shrink. I hate it here.
'Fine. I'll be there in 30 min., but please let's make it fast.' I say to Millie annoyed.
'Will be waiting. Bye.' She hangs up.

I know I look mad now.
'Fuck it! Why today?' I scream slightly. 'I'm so sorry, Jo. You heard what she said.'
'Hey.' Jo says hugging me. 'It's no-ones fault. I just wished that your birthday would be your day. Let's just hope it goes fast!'
I know that Jo planned this day and it was going so well. I hate leaving her here alone. Hate. It. But it's my job at the end of the day, and I know that it's only for my own career.


When I enter my house it's already midnight. We ended up doing dozens of photos for that brand deal, but at least I made sure that next week will be mostly free.

I enter the corridor, pulling down my jacket and my shoes. I enter the living room and my heart clenches from the sight-my princess fallen asleep on the couch still wearing her reading glasses.

I know she hates sleeping on couches like this, so I know she's fallen asleep waiting for me. I fall on my knees by her and gently pull down her glasses. I put my hand on her head and slowly stroke her cheek. She looks so peaceful and pretty. I sense tears in my eyes. I gently lift her up-one hand under her knees, the other under her head-and carefully carry her to our bed. I cover her with a blanket.

She's in sweats and one of my t-shirts, so I don't bother waking her up to change. I quietly pull down my pants and hoodie and walk around to my side of the bed. Sensing me lay down, she turns around to my side. I scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her small body. I feel us both relax.
'Goodnight, baby.' I say, kissing her forehead as she snuggles into my chest, us both drifting to sleep.

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