Jo's birthday last part.

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!TW-toxic friendship, self-image, bod-shaming!

Hero's pov

'What the fuck Jo?' I say gesturing to her phone, that I am holding in my tight grip. 'I thought you blocked Ellie!' I really want to smash the phone now.

'I..I-' she stammers.

'She's clearly fucking with your mental health! And for what? She's not even a decent friend to you!' I say firmly, trying not to yell at her. The fact that I am so angry must be frightening enough for her. 'Why the fuck do you keep contacting her?'

'It is not as easy as you put it, for God's sake!' she screams back at me, angry and with tears in her eyes. I can see that she already felt upset by Ellie's message, before I even got upstairs.

'What can be more easier than to block some bitch that's doing harm to your-fuckin'- self!' I am still holding a tight grip on her phone, wanting to smash it across the room. though, it wouldn't help this situation.

'Maybe, if you would stop 'babying' me, I would learn how to take all this in a healthy way!' now she's really angry and she's gained her voice. 'Maybe, if you wouldn't be so fast to protect me, I wouldn't be this weak and pathetic! Blocking her won't solve anything. There are millions of people waiting to call me this and that, wanting me to look like their idol and local supermodel. Instead, I should just stop being like this fragile, so I can learn to live with this bullshit, because it's not going anywhere!' 

What? Is this really what she thinks, that she's too weak, that she needs to be stronger to get used to shit like this? 

'Do you hear what you are saying?' I say in a lower voice, clearly shocked. 'Her, literally fucking body-shaming you, is nothing that you should get used to! You, getting affected by it, is not showing your weakness. There is no 'healthy way' to take those stupid comments. It's not an opinion, that everyone get's to comment about! It's your body, and it's yours only.' I can see that she hears me, but knowing her, she's still fighting within herself.

There's a quiet moment between us.

'I am just going to sleep on the couch. It's too late for this and I am fucking exhausted.' she says calmly, but I sense that she's still annoyed. She's getting a blanket to go downstairs. Ugh, for fucks sake!

'No,' I say stepping in the way of doors. 'If you think that will solve anything, then I will go sleep on the couch.' I say throwing her phone on the bed and getting the blanket from her hands. She doesn't respond anything, nor does she try to argue. I know, she understands that I would do anything, literally anything for her, but I can't get into her mind and change what I have no access to.

I go downstairs, still fucking mad. Not to Jo, I can't be mad at her. I understand that she just wants to be her best-self, but it's not easy trying to manage being polite and nice, and being selfish enough, to realize her worth. And for me-it breaks my heart, seeing her doubting herself because of the society and in this case-her toxic 'friend'. But it's leaving me empty-handed, if she can't understand, that she's allowed to block toxic humans  out of her life. 

It's 2 am and I am still laying awake. Should I drop this, and go up to the bed? But she wanted to sleep alone, I should respect her. As unnatural it feels, to sleep separate from Jo, I want to show her, that I am trying to do the best for her, and if she wants space, I will give it to her, even though, I'd kill to be by her side right now.

I try to sleep.

After some time, I hear our bedroom door opening. I can hear Josephine walking down the stairs. I don't look up, she's probably just coming to get her glass of water. She still looks sad, holding her gaze to her feet. My heart breaks again, because I know that now she feels guilty. Ahh, my baby...

Jo's pov

I walk to the side of the couch, trying to see if Hero's sleeping. If he is, I'll be okay sleeping on the floor by the couch. My heart is racing, so I was unable to fall asleep in our bedroom all alone, knowing that he's down here. Look's like he's sleeping. Fine, I'll sleep on the floor then.

Suddenly, I see Hero scooting over to the back of the couch, giving me space to lay down. I stand up from the floor and lay down on the couch next to him. It's alright if he's mad, I understand. I am lucky enough to be sleeping next to him right now.

But, as soon as I've laid down, he wraps his hand around my waist and scoots me closer to him. I know that we have so many things to talk trough tomorrow, but right now, it feels euphoric to have him, knowing that all he ever does, is for me to feel safe. 


This one is shorter, but I wanted to post this part as soon as I could. And I didn't want to get too invested into my mindset about toxic friendships.

Thank you for your support as always! <333

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