You scared me.

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Hero's pov

I've woken up by the sound of puking. It's Jo. Crap! I joilt up and run to her side of the bed. I don't know what to do. She's almost 5 months pregnant and this is scarry. This isn't like the morning sickness pregnant women get. Not to mention, she only had the morning sickness for like the first two months. There's no point of getting her a bucket, because she's already puked on the floor. She's leaning over the edge of the bed, so I hold her hair and gently stroke her back, hoping to give her some relief. I don't even fucking know what to say. I am so scared. Fuck! When she's done, she leans back on the bed against the headboard in a clear exhaustion.

'I-I um...' I try to tell what I think, but I am so fucking stressed. I am still sitting on the bed. I press my eyes shut. FOCUS! Jo takes my hand and squeezes my hand. She knows that I stammer when I am stressed.
'I'll call the doctor. I-you stay here. I will pack some clothes. I am sorry. Is s-something else wrong? Like does something hurt?' I want to cry. I know she's so strong and she appears tough for others, because it's hard for her to trust someone, but I know, I mean I can see that this is no ordinary situation for her either. So I know that she's in pain even if she doesn't admit it.

In response she just nods her head  'no'.
'O-okay. I will clean up, just don't worry. I'll take care of you. Both of you. I'll do it quickly, stay here and if you can, put on something warm. I can help you if you need, just be careful, please.' Before heading to the closet I kiss her forehead.

I head to our closet whilst calling her doctor. She doesn't pick up. Fuck! Of course, it's 4 am. I decide to call the closest hospital when I hear another sound of puking, but this time from the bathroom.

'Hello, 'St Thomas Hospital'. What's your emergency?' I head to the bathroom and try to help Jo by holding her hair. My poor baby.
'Hello. So m-my fiancé is almost 5 months pregnant and she's puking so bad right now. She says that nothing else really hurts, but this is the third time in approx. 10 minutes that she's vomited. I-I don't know what to do.'
'Okay, you did right calling us. I advise you to just come to our hospital. It could be anything. We will run some tests. Just be careful and try to stay calm. And try to give her some water. We will be waiting for you.'
'Okay. Thank you very much.' I say looking at Jo and hang up.

I wait till Jo's done puking and fill her up a glass of water. She chugs it down and I help her to her feet and hug her holding her close to me.
'It's going to be alright.' I say in her hair.

I carefully draw back from her and see the tears in her eyes too. I put my palm to her cheek and lightly stroke it as her eyes flutter shut.
'I'll pack all the stuff. Just get ready and wait here. I'll help you to the car.'

I quickly clean up the floor, put on my clothes and head to our closet room. I pack some clothes for both me and Jo and open the baby's drawer. I stop, clearly scared. We haven't bought a lot of clothes, because it's still early, but I decide to put some onesies and nappies just in case. I hear Jo lean agains the wall as she watches me. I look at her aware of her concern of the same topic as she puts her hand on her belly.
'I am sure we won't need it yet, but just in case.' I walk up and plant a kiss on Jo's belly as she looks me in the eyes and smiles. It's good she's smiling. I smile back, give her a kiss and lift her up.
'Let's get you checked.'

Jo's pov

Hero gets me into the passenger seat, puts a seatbelt on, but his hands are shaking. I put my hand over his struggling one and help him to click the seatbelt into the place. He leans back and gives me another kiss on the forehead. Then he puts our bag in the backseat and gets into the driver's-seat. He puts his seatbelt on and we head to the hospital.

We sit in silence. It's not awkward though, it's just exhausting. I know he's just nervous about me and our baby. I could be saying that I want his reassurance, but I know that he's doing his best. I am scared too, not so much about me, but the baby. I have had some problems with hormone production in my thyroid since I was a teen. I know about the risks and problems. The baby was planned and we didn't have to try very long, but I know that I have bigger risk to miscarriage and other pregnancy complications. And of course Hero knows that too. That's what's making us both nervous.

I feel myself becoming nauseous again, so I grab a bag and put it to my mouth. I see Hero sideways looking at my and clearly getting more angry. I see him grip the steering-wheel. I lean forward and puke again. Hero makes a hurtful expression and speeds up the car. I tie up the bag and grab a bottle of water.

'Hero, please be careful.' I say and he slows the car.
'I'm sorry, Jo. I j-just-' he says with tears in his eyes.
He puts his right hand on my tight and squeezes it.
'Hey, it's no-ones fault, especially yours. We know nothing yet, so let's be rational and hope for the best' I say taking his arm and inter-wielding our fingers. He rubs my hand with this thumb and forces a smile at me. I can see that it's hard for him, but he does it for me.
'You know I love you so much. Both of you. So, so much.'
'We know, love. We do to. Very much.' I say looking at him.

When we get to the hospital, I still feel nauseous. Hero parks the auto, we unbuckle our seatbelts and I try to get out of the car. The belly and my health now isn't a good combo to get out of car, but I try.
'Hey, let me help you.' Hero says leaning closer and offering his hand.
'No it's okay. I can-'
'Please, Jo. Let me help you.' I look up to his pleading eyes and give in.

Leaning on Hero's shoulder we walk into the hospital. He sits me and hurries to the reception. Crap! The nausea's back again.

Hero's pov

'Hello. We called you. My fiancée is pregnant and she's been vomiting for the past half an hour. She's sitting there.' I say to the nurse, gesturing where I seated Jo. I spot her expression, she's clearly not feeling good. Oh, god, why?
'Yeah, we've been waiting for you. We'll put her in the wheel-chair and admit her to the emergency unit.'
'Okay.' I say following the other nurse to where Jo's sitting.
'Um, sir. We will need you to fill the papers whilst we are taking her testing.' The receptionist nurse draws my attention.
'What? I don't want to leave her. Can't I just do this later?' I say clearly annoyed.
'Sorry sir. You'll have to fill the papers first. We will notice you on further news. That's the hospital regulation. Besides you can't follow in the emergency unit. She will be there for an hour the longest, until we have to transfer her elsewhere.' She says.
Ugh, wtf.
'Fine.' I sigh as I see the nurse rushing Jo through the doors.

I fill the papers and wait. I try to sit and wait, but I can't. How am I supposed to be here, when literally everything that's important to me is somewhere feeling fucking awful and there is not a thing I can do to help her.
It's already 5.39am and I am pacing around the room. They should be done soon and should be transferring her to some other unit.

I am trying to stay sane, when I hear the doors open as the same nurse that took Jo heads out. I immediately go to him.
'Mr. Fiennes-Tiffin?' He asks.
'Yes, that's me. How is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt? How's the ba-' I rattle off.
'She's okay and the baby is perfectly fine. She had a slight misbalance in her pregnancy hormones, which caused the nausea and vomiting. But we managed to take care of it, so she's better now. We admitted her to a private palate. I'll show you.' he says as I follow him through the halls of the hospital.

'Here.' Says the nurse gesturing to a palate Jo's in.
'Thank you so much.' I replay and get into the room.

Jo's sleeping, so I quietly walk to the side of the bed she's sleeping on and caress her messy hair. God I love her so much. I see her slowly open her eyes and smile at me.
'Hey' Jo says.
I lean in and kiss her, cupping her face in my hands. When we detach from the kiss I put my forehead against hers.
'You fucking scared the living shit out of me. You know, baby?' I say smiling.
She puts her small hand on mine and smiles again.
'Aw, nice choice of words, babe,'She says making me laugh. 'And you know it wasn't really my fault.' She says looking at her belly.
'Well I'm just happy that now you're both alright.' I say planting a kiss on her belly.

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