Jo's birthday part 1.

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Hero's pov

Today's Jo's 25th birthday, but she's been away all day because she's got a photoshoot for her upcoming movie's promo. She had to leave very early, so I made her breakfast as we had decided to celebrate after her work. At least she thinks that we'll just have some dinner and that's all. But I planned her a surprise party. Nothing huge just few of our LA friends from other projects.

We are still in the midst of trying to figure out where to make our permanent home. As we've been together for 3 years now. Now we're at our LA apartment. I decided to join her from London, where we've been for the past 3 months, because I have no projects running now. We've talked about living in UK, USA, Australia and even Canada, but it's a though decision we have yet to make. It brings me stress every time we have discussion about it and I know that Jo's also not very keen of that topic.

Anyways, I have to stop wondering and start getting ready for her birthday party.

It's currently 11am and Jo said she will be back at 5pm, so I told everyone to get here at 4.30pm. Until then I have to freshen up the apartment, buy food and drinks, pick up the flowers for Jo and get myself ready. I had a hard time deciding what to buy her as a gift, so I bought her a gift card for her favorite store. forward 4.20pm...

'Hi. I am done with the shoot. I'll be home in half an hour. Do we need something from the store? I can pick up.' Jo calls me from her car speakers.

'Umm, I think we have everything. Just come home, I miss you already.' I answer.

'Okay. Miss you too, bye.' she hangs up.

'Okay guys. She'll be here in half an hour. I will tell you when she get's here.' I jell so everyone can hear me.

Here's her friends from some of her older projects, few people we have met whilst hanging around in LA and two of her old friends from Perth who happen to work in the movie industry here. So in total here's approx. 11 people. It's sounds like a lot, but I know it's better this way, so they can entertain themselves and not cling onto Jo. It's a nice company. We all have met in some of our previous parties here. But today the only thing that matters is that Jo's happy. I am a bit scared that she's gonna be exhausted. If so, then I am screwed.

I walk into the kitchen and grab pour myself some gin and tonic and lean against the kitchen sink. I look around. Everyone seems to have fun.

'Hey, mate' Joshua walks up to me and we shake hands. 'How far is she?'

I put my hand in my jeans back pocket and look at the time. It's 4.35pm.

'She should be here in about...mmm...15 minutes or so. How are you? I heard you are working as a social media manager now.'

'Yeah. It's pretty nice you know. I love the job and my colleagues are quite okay. Though the boss is a bit of a pain in the ass, but I mean-you can't get everything right?' he says happily. 'And you? Have you decided where to make you two a home?'

'Ahh, it's not that easy. With our families and friends being literally at the opposite sides of the world and managing work from places. The short answer is-no.' I reply looking at my drink thoughtfully. 'But you know, wherever she is-that's my home. As cheesy as it sounds. I just wish that we had a safe and steady place. All the other stuff is secondary.' I sigh.

'Well, it sounds tough, but I am sure you'll figure it out. Just don't lose yourselves.' Joshua says tapping at my shoulder.


I hear the beep that signalizes that Jo has entered the building. I put my glass down and rush to the front door, turning down the music.

'Guys. She's coming up. Be ready.' I shout.

I hear the elevator doors open. 1..2..3.. the front doors open.

'Happy birthday Josephine!' we all shout and smile together.



Hey! So I've been gone for quite a while. And tbh I have no excuse whatsoever, only that ofc I was busy with school, then I was in a hospital for a week (just a check up), and I kind of lost my inspiration. But last night I quite literally couldn't sleep-that's how much I suddenly wanted to write on here.

I have a lot of ideas, but I am starting to think about trying to write an original story on this app. I know that, you, who are reading these one-shots, are herophine/After fans, so I am not sure if I should just use my ideas by creating an original story...what do you think?

This is like a hobby of mine, so I don't want to feel obligated to post here, but at the same time, I don't want to start something and leave it un-done if I loose my inspiration...

Anyways, this part I wrote a while ago, and I originally intended to post it all in one part, but know I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 1K READS! So I am posting this now and I will post the remaining part or part's as soon as I finish!

Really, thank you so much for your support, and feel free to comment and/or write me!

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