It's a wrap (part two).

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Josephine's pov

When we get downstairs to the party, of course everyone are already there. We are the only ones from the cast, everyone else is from the crew. There is a food table one the one side, and a bar at the back of the room. In front lays a huge monitor, where, I guess, we are going to watch moments from the filming. It hits me again-this is the last time.

Hero puts an arm on the small of my back and asks me:
" Are you going to be okay?" I didn't even hear when Brian called him.
"Yeah, go ahead. I'll go talk to Castille." As I said-too much of a gentleman. Or is he?

I take a glass of champagne and walk over to Castille.
"Hey, happy last wrap day! How are you feeling?" why is everyone asking me that today?
"Well, I am sad that it's over, but I would be lying, if I said that I don't miss my home. And you? This was surely an interesting project for you too. How do you feel?" I say.
"Well I feel like we did a very good job, and I just hope that the movie doesn't flop, which I am sure it wont. I loved this experience aside from being so far away from home. Hey, when do you leave?"
"In three days. I have three weeks, till I have to be back in LA from Perth. The photo-shootings and all.." I reply sighting.
"Jo, I've seen how you've been the last days. You look very exhausted. I know, job is job, but you have to spare some time for yourself. You are young, you have a lot ahed in the future. Don't burn yourself out." Castille says with a visible concern.
I feel exhausted, but it's not just filming. Maybe I could ask Hero, when he's leaving, so we could spend some time together...?

"Everyone come sit at the table!" calls Brian, "We have prepared something for you!"
I look around trying to find Hero. Where is he? It's not like I can't do it without him, but he is my safety net.

I am just siting down, still trying to find him, when I see him meet my gaze and immediately coming to sit next to me. Good. I feel a relief.

Brian has prepared a video with funny moments on set and around the filming. Hero is dead-ass laughing. I cannot stop my smile from appearing when I hear it. I look at him and he meets my eyes and smiles back at me, putting an arm on my back. Not that I hate it, but why does he keep doing that? It gives me that familiar warmth of his presence, that I know will be lost after tonight.

When the presentation is over, everyone starts talking around the table, so I take the advantage and decide to ask Hero:
"Hero, when do you leave?"
"Umm, I have booked a plane ticket to 9pm tomorrow. I am going back to London to see my family and friends over the holiday." he says genuinely happy.
"Oh, that's soon." I say with a visible disappointment. Then my plan-to spend the last days here together-won't work. Disappointing but not surprising.
"Wha-" Hero starts asking me, but he never gets to complete. We are interrupted by Castille's toast:
"This is for Hero and Jo! Our perfect Hessa! You guys are the best. Cheers!"

The evening goes by talking, eating, drinking, laughing, but I don't really feel like celebrating. Not with that stupid sadness within myself. Just when I am about to figure out an excuse for my leaving. I hear my phone buzzing like 8 times. I look at my phone. Shit! I forgot that there's no internet down here. My sister has called me 11 times and sent my 9 messages with the most recent one saying that it's urgent. I know that Katherine is a bit of a drama queen, but right know this is a perfect excuse for me to leave.

I look at Hero. Standing up I put my hand on his shoulder and lean in to whisper, that I am leaving to my room, Kath's called. He looks at me a bit concerned:
"Everything's alright? You want me to come with you?"
"No, it's alright. Stay here, party animal." I say with a grin and he looks at me and rolls his eyes smiling.

I say my goodbyes and thank you's and leave back upstairs. I come in to my room already calling my sister. I take off my shoes and go lay across my bed. I call her one time, two times, but she never picks up. I do feel exhausted, so I just text her, that I am free now and that she can call me.

I want to relax. I turn on the TV and decide to change into my pyjama shorts and one of Hero's, I mean Hardin's, oversized black t-shirts that I stole from the set. I go into the bathroom to do my night routine, when a movie starts on the TV. It's the movie that we watched last year in my LA apartment with Hero. It's called "Friends with benefits" and I know that none of us likes rom-com's, but that time we used to binge watch stupid rom-coms's and we were dead-ass laughing. Those three months I was the happiest I have been in like a long time.

I hear a buzz from my phone. This time it's Anna. She has sent me a cute message, saying how proud and thankful she is for us. That she's literally in tears, she loves us and wishes the best for us. She has also sent a few videos and images from her phone with us on set. A cute video where I am play-fighting with Hero, cry-laughing on the set cracks me open. I smile a huge stupid smile and, ignoring the swelling tears in my eyes, I respond to her with "Anna, you know, you are the best. Thank you for everything. Literally. I am so sad you aren't here. I miss you. See you when in LA. Love, Jo!"

I decide to look into instagram, but seeing all the fan's edit's about me and Hero, just makes me cry even more. I put my head in the pillows and start to really cry. Cry because I am exhausted. Cry because I am confused. Cry because I will miss him. Cry because-

I am interrupted by a knock on the doors. "Why now?!" I internally yell. I open the doors...

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