chapter 6

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The next morning was tiring, first was breakfast then matt taught a class on balancing concious with subconscious. Then we had lunch and a class on fighting. "Why is this necessary?" Asked lily. "Its fun, I knocked max off his feet 7 times already and class hasn't started."laughed jay. "Its necessary in case something happens and alex cant fight , she'll need your help." Said Matt. 

I was paired to fight jay, lily was with max and mia was with Lucas. "Points to those left standing." Said matt walking away. "Bring it on little girl " said Lucas to mia. "I'll let you have the first hit." said max to lily. "Are they serious?"asked mia to me and lily. We just laughed and smiled at each other before knocking the boys down. "How are you guys that good ?" Asked jay holding his head from the fall. "We do this every weekend." I laughed holding my hand out to help him up.

He grabbed my hand but tried to knock me down but it was him who fell face first into mud. "Aww the boys still think there better at fighting then us." Laughed lily. Matt came back to see the boys in the mud and us girls still clean as pearls. "Congrats girls you get to go have tea while the boys clean the library." Said matt pointing to the castle.

The boys were in the library for hours , we felt bad so we went to help. When we went in it was a disaster. I slipped on a book causing me to fall into jay who was carrying a stack of books. "I'm so sorry let me help." I said trying to pick up books but just hitting my head against a shelf. "You ok? Let me look at the bruise." Said jay moving my hair and examining the bruise on my forehead. "Not to bad but try not to hurt yourself again." He laughed helping me up. We got done about 3 hours later. We went to dinner covered in dust. As soon as we sat down matt looked at us and said "looks like that lesson played off as planned." We looked at each other and asked "what lesson?" "I knew you wouldn't resist helping them clean the library so I made it a team building exercise." Said matt.

We ate dinner and got ready for bed but I went outside to star gaze. I lied down on the ground it was peaceful till I heard a twig break. I jumped and didnt realize but I turned into a dragon. I saw jay, so I calmed down and it transformed me back.

"Hey what are you doing outside by your self and what was that power?" He asked. "I figured sleeping outside keeps the nightmares away and what power? I didnt use any of my powers." I said confused.

He just grabbed my hand and pulled my into Matt's office. "I know why the witch was looking for that book, The girl who controlled dragons. That is the book on why alex's magic is red and her family history, if that witch gets her hands on it, she can defeat alex." Said jay. "Is that so, interesting. How do you know?" Matt asked. "She transformed into a dragon when I scared her. She must be related to someone who was a dragon. But the only person who ever knew a dragon was Merlin." said jay confused. "Brilliant, stay here and find a way of scaring her and keeping her in that state. " said matt running out.

Me , jay and the gang went outside. I was told to stand in one spot while the others talked. "We have to get her to be scared and keep her that way, so we might have to turn our backs on her for a bit. " said jay. "Say anything rude you can think of."said mia. "Tell her secrets."said lily. "Make her think we hate her with our full hearts." Said max. "Wow, this is hard it's like hurting a fragile glass plate. One drop and it shatters." Said Lucas. "We have to so matt can figure out whatever he is figuring out." Said jay.

They walked over to me, and began saying things that hurt. "Alex is the most annoying girl at school, no wonder a guy won't ask her out.  Shes to pathetic." Said lily. "We only acts like she is our friend because we feel sorry for her because she is weird. " said max. I felt like a brick was being thrown at me. The more things they said the more the dragon came out.

"A few more hits."said mia. "Your the weakest in our group. You cant handle anything, you just cry to your parents about everything." said Lucas. "We never liked you,  you were just a pawn in a game and we dont need the you in our friend group anymore." Said jay almost messing up his line. "You want to see a weak, pathetic girl. I'll show you what I can do."I said out of anger. I transformed into a dragon and shot a fireball that almost hit them. "I'm back. Good job." Said matt poking me with a needle.

"Are we done faking insults?" Aksed jay. "Yes you can apologize for insulting her now." Said matt. "Al I'm sorry your the strongest, bravest, clumsisest, crazy dork I know. We all love you and what we said wasn't real. " said Lucas. "We had to get you to transform into a dragon for Matt's experiment." Said mia. "I'm sorry for telling your secret Alexandra, I'm sorry." Said lily. "We love being your friends and wouldnt trade you for the world, you are our world."said max. I started to calm down. I transformed back, jay ran to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry, we didnt mean anything we said. Your the best most wonderful person in our group and your like a little sister to all of us."he said while everyone hugged me.

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