chapter 10

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We got to the edge of the forest closest to the school, I scanned the area for threats. I saw a blue dragon that seemed to be admitting bolts of lightning. "Who's that?" I asked Julia. "That's cameron." She said happily walking forward. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "We cant let him see us, she could have him in a trance. He will kill the first thing that he sees move." I said trying to think of a plan. "What are his weaknesses?" Asked ava. "Flowers, he is allergic and sneezes a lot when any type of flower is near." Said Julia. "Alex, is there another way into the school?" Aksed Carter. "Theres the staff corridors, creature corridor, and the emergency doors."I said. "Where are the emergency doors?" Asked Ava. "Brilliant, the doors are in the forest. There for incase someone needs to get out of the school on the full moon. That will work except what about the people inside?" I asked. "Leave that to me." Said Carter.

We got to the doors and got inside when all of a sudden we heard footsteps coming. We stood as still as statues will the person walked by then Carter tackled them. "Who are you?" He asked. "Reign challenge. Now get off me carter." Reign said getting up. "Uncle reign." I laughed hugging him. "Alex, but how? We were told you were dead. " he asked. "I jumped off a cliff, transformed into a dragon, the witch tried using the device on me ,but I transformed back and fell into the river. I didnt die but I got injured pretty bad, but Julia and her people saved me. "I said.

"Thank you for saving my niece." Said reign to Julia. "No problem." She said. "We better get a move on before the witch realizes we're here."said ava. We walked and walked till we got to the main building. "Carter,ava, I need you guys to go make sure everyone gets our safely. Julia round up your people. Uncle reign get mom and dad out of here, along with katy. Dont come back until I give you a signal." I said. "We aren't leaving you by yourself." Said ava, Carter and Julia together. "I think she needs to do this."said reign. He explained to them that I was the only person who could capture her. They all left and did their jobs.

I found the witch standing out front with Cameron. "Oh look what the cat dragged in." She laughed feeling my presence. "Miss me." I laughed. "You brought me my crown, maybe you aren't useless." She snarled trying to grab the crown. "It isnt yours, I'm the rightful heir and you will never rule anything again." I yelled throwing ice and fire beams at her. "Attack her you idiot." She yelled to cameron. He tried shooting me with fire but I dodged.

"Cameron this isnt you listen to me." I yelled. He couldnt hear me over the beeping of the watch. I felt someone grab my hand, to my surprise it was mia and lucas. "We got your back alex." Said mia. "We are taking this witch down together." Said lucas. Jay grabbed mias hand , along with Max's and lily grabbed Lucas's hand. We devised a plan, jay would drown out every noise with music, mia was to soak his wings so he couldnt fly, lily was to tie him up with vines, lucas and max kept him in one spot. The witch had gone missing again but I was more worried about keeping a thousand pound dragon from killing us.

We executed the plan, then it was my turn. I walked up to him, he snarled, I gently placed my hand on his head. "Remember cameron, your mom, your family, your kingdom, your the dragon king. "I said hoping it would spark something in his mind. He slowly transformed back to human. "Alex?" He said weakly. "Dont try to kill me again. It was not very fun trying to fight you but not hurt you."I laughed hugging him. "I thought you were dead. " he said confused. "Are you guys really that dumb? You believed a witch who cant kill a girl who's weakness is eveything." I said.

"Stay here guys, I'm going after the witch." I said. I tried running off but someone grabbed my wrist. "You cant fight her alone. She will kill you." Said cameron. "Cam I will be ok, I'm not alone. I have the hope of everyone and I have figured out the witches weakness. " I smiled trying to reassure him. "Your stubborn. Till I see you next your highness." He said bowing and kissing my hand. I started running off and yelled "call me your highness one more time and I'll start calling you lighting McQueen." I laughed.

I found the witch in the deeps of the woods. "How many times does it take to kill you?" She yelled. "I wont be the one falling." I said confidently. "I have more power." She snarled. "You said my weakness is your strength, but what if my strengths are your weaknesses?" I said. "I have no weaknesses." She laughed. "Oh but you do have one. You said you were attached to my soul meaning if you get stronger as I grow weaker, I grow stronger you grow weaker. My love for my family, their hope. Is my power. You never loved anyone or anything. Your power grows on hate and fear. Mine grows on the love of others. " I said blasting her against a tree. She tried getting lose but the more she squirmed the tighter the ropes were. "Let me go you brat." She yelled. I yelled a incantation which trapped her in a realm which she could never escape from.

I joined my family back at the school, my hair in knots, covered in mud, and water. "Alex, wheres the witch?" Asked reign. "Shes gone." I said silently. " finally, we are free of her." Said lily jumping up and down. "Yeah, she is finally gone after causing so much pain these last 18 years." I said smiling.

"What now?" Asked lily. "We live normal lives." Laughed max bringing the group in a hug. "Well as normal as monsters can be." Laughed jay.  "All hail queen alex." Yelled cameron bowing. "All hail queen alex." Yelled everyone else. I bursted out laughing. "I'm not queen yet and I dont think I'd make a very good queen."I laughed. "Why not?" Asked cameron. "The dragons already have an amazing ruler who would be able to rule them a lot better than I can." I laughed placing the crown on cam's head and bowing. "Your highness."  He laughed putting the crown back on me. "We both will rule the dragons together, deal?" He asked. "Deal." I said hugging him.

During that time we learned that destiny, fate, ours futures, or whatever may call it is not written. We write our own stories. From that day forward we lived happily ever after!!!

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