chapter 2

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"Alex hurry up or we are going to be late to catch the bus." Yelled my sister as she walked by my room.  "Coming Katy." I yelled throwing my long crimpy brown hair in a ponytail.

Me and my sister raced downstairs, grabbed our lunches and ran down the street to the bus stop. We got on the bus and Katy sat with her friends while I sat in the back. When we approached willow street a girl with straight blonde hair and a colorful outfit approached carrying a box of cookies.

"Mind if I sit here alex." Asked the girl. "If you let me have a cookie, lily " I laughed. She handed me a cookie and sat down. We talked and talked until she asked "wheres your necklace,  you always were a necklace."  I looked down and realized I had forgotten it. "I guess I was in such a rush last night to get homework done I must have forgotten to put it back on." I said. We talked a little longer till we got to school. 

We split up to go to class.  I have only ever enjoyed one class I have and that's science. I dragged my feet not wanting to go to English.  When the students settled down the teacher started class with a joke like always. She asked "what did the noun say to the verb? " We all stayed quiet until she said" we have to agree to disagree." Only a few laughed but I could tell even those kids were facking. No one ever understood mrs. Goulash, or her jokes.

School went on forever until my last class, science! I raced to my seat, and then mr. Challenge said" we are going over how a remote controlled toy car works. Grab a car and start examining them." I picked the car up to examine mine then I gently sat it back down and it raced out of the room. Right into pricipal Redditch.  "We are so sorry redditch." Said mr. Challenge. "Its ok just try to keep the cars in the classroom." Redditch laughed handing  mr. Challenge the car.

We continued to work till the bell rang to dismiss school. I packed up my things and went to leave when mr. Challenge asked me to stay. "Can you explain what happened today Alex?" He asked. "I dont actually know what happened today." I said quietly. "Wheres your necklace, you always were a necklace." He asked with fear and excitement in his eyes. "I forgot it to put it on this morning." I said. "Ok, have a good weekend alex. See you Monday. " he said smiling and  dismissing me.

I left and got on the bus and sat with lily. "You almost missed the bus. " she laughed. "Yeah mr. Challenge held me back, to see why my car raced out of the room and into redditch. Then he asked about my necklace. " I said grabbing a cookie she had left in the dish. "That's weird, especially since he's a teacher." Said lily. I changed the conversation to what she was doing over the weekend. We talked and talked until we got to her stop.

We got to my stop and I got off the bus and walked home, I got home and my parents were at work like usual. Katy sent me a text saying she was at the mall with her friends and she would be back soon. I went to our library and started reading some books on what could have happened. I ended up falling asleep in my recliner.

"Alex sweet heart dinners done" yelled my mom from the kitchen. I ran downstairs and the whole house smelled like burnt chicken. "What were you trying to make mom? Burned chicken casserole." I laughed. "No it was supposed to baked chicken and rice casserole." She laughed throwing it out. "I'll call dad and see if he can pick up some food."I said grabbing my phone.

As soon as I opened my phone the door opened and inside came my dad holding a sack from the Chinese restaurant in one hand and Katy's arm in the other. "Look who I had to go pick up from the mall since her friend decided to shoplift sunglasses as a joke. "He said staring sternly at katy.

I ran over and grabbed the bag. "Yes Chinese food. Your awesome. " I said grabbing my fried rice and egg rolls and watched dad ground Katy for 3 weeks. We all sat at the table and talked. "Anything exciting happen today? " dad asked. "Yeah in science my car raced out of the room and hit redditch." I said shoving an egg roll in my mouth. "Alex, wheres your necklace?" Asked my mom with the same fear I saw in challenges eyes except without the excitement. "I forgot it this morning." I said.  "Please go put it on." She said with a tremble in her voice she then dismissed me and katy.

I put my necklace on, hung out in my room for about 3 hours. I soon got hungry so I  went back downstairs to get a snack but I stopped halfway to the kitchen when I heard my parents arguing over something. I was confused and scared because they never argue about anything even what to watch.

I listened for a while till my mom said " we have to send her to that school that your brother reign was talking to us about." My dad sat down and said " molly, I'm not sending her there yet, she has done fine for this long. I think if we send her there before we explain why, she might get scared and not want to come back home." My mom started crying and said" her powers are getting stronger, which means that witch is getting stronger too. What if that witch takes over and she cant fight. I cant have alex hurting herself or someone else like Katy." My dad hugged her and said "we will find a way to make sure she doesnt hurt anyone and that she can master her powers with us.

I heard my name and it scared me and I ran to the park down the street from our house. I sat there for a while thinking about what I heard, what did they mean about me hurting someone and someone controlling me? I heard a voice humming a song I felt like I remembered but never heard before.

I looked up to see a boy about 5'6 wearing a baseball cap and cowboy boots. "Long time no see buttercup." Laughed the boy. "Maxie " I yelled hugging the boy. "How have you been?" He asked. "I've been good. How was that school you've been going too?" I asked. "Oh it's been good, I cant wait till your parents let you attend. You'll love it. But why are you here by yourself in the cold, shouldn't you be home reading or playing games with your family?"he asked.

"About that , I over heard my parents talking about me hurting people so I ran here to clear my mind."I said. "We better get you home before your parents get to worried. " he said throwing his jacket on me and walking me home.

We got to the door when my parents ran outside and hugged me. "Why did you run off ?" Asked my dad. I overheard you and mon talking about me hurting people, so I ran to the park to clear my head."I said hugging my dad. "Its time we tell her vincent."said my mom looking at my dad. "Come inside and maybe max can help show you what we are." Said Katy hugging me.

We went to the living room and that's the first time I saw max and my father turn into wolves. They howled but I understood them completely. "What's going on, How are they doing that?"I asked scared. "Their werewolves, and you can understand them because you have special powers. You can understand wolves, turn them to human and back, blossom flowers, which was your favorite thing to do when you were young and many other extraordinary things." Said my mom smiling.

"This has to be fake, you must have used cameras and mirrors." I said scared. "No cameras , or mirrors, this is all real. As real as me and you." Said dad trying to hug me but I ran to my room. I sat there waiting on someone to yell gotcha or it was a prank but no one did.

I heard a knock and a voice saying "can we please talk alex?" Max sat up against my door and I asked him"how is this real?" He sighed and said "I dont know how it is real but it is" I opened the door and hugged him tightly and just cried. We sat on the floor and he just hummed a song until I stopped crying and fell asleep. He whispered quietly "It'll all make sense one day buttercup."

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