chapter 3

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I woke up in my bed, took a deep breath thinking I just had a bad dream. I got dressed in some sweatpants, old t-shirt, running shoes, and a jacket since it was chilly outside.

I walked downstairs to the living room to get rover's leash and harness. "Morning sweetpea." Said my dad looking up from the morning paper."morning dad, mornin mum. What's the news today?" I asked grabbing rover to put his harness on. "Just someone getting pulled over for speeding, a fire on south blade street , and mrs. Goulash's cat got stuck in a tree again." Laughed dad.

I grabbed a bottle of water and some snacks for rover and I then I got my run. I ran to the park and gave rover a quick break. "Hey alex, how you doing?" Max asked walking up to pet rover. I took my headphones off and said "I'm fine just had a really bad nightmare that has me on edge today."  " oh that's not good, what was it about?" He asked. "You and my parents telling me I was a witch and that you were a werewolf. "I laughed. "Alex I did transform into a werewolf and thats all real." He said. "Max I cant take this, it's not real."I yelled and started running.

I ran around the country side until I ran into mr. Challenge. "Hey mr. Challenge. " I said waving. "Hey alex, by the way you can just call me reign."He laughed. "Wait your reign? Does that mean your my dads brother?" I asked. "Your parents told you haven't they, that's fantastic. Now that they told you I can hang out with my niece again." He laughed hugging me. "What did they tell me?" I asked. "That your a witch like your mother and sister and a wolf like your father and I. "he smiled. "No that's not real."I screamed running off.

I ran back home, but when I got home my parents, katy, uncle reign and max were all sitting in the living room talking. I slipped by unnoticed, grabbed some lunch and went to the library. I was up there for about an hour before I walked downstairs holding a book. "Why didnt you guys show me this last night? I would have believed you sooner. Just explain why I didnt know about this before." I asked. "What made you change your mind?" Asked my mom. "A book of our family history which if I was showed this I would have believed you." I laughed sitting down. They told me about why they had to hide my powers .

Uncle reign and max took me to a mansion which turned out to be the school for monsters. "Why are we here?" I asked. "This is were your going to be studying for the next couple of years if your parents will allow it." Laughed reign. They showed me around, the classrooms, and teachers. "This is awesome."I said smiling.

"That concludes the tour, I think max  wanted to show you the kitchen himself. I missed you my little witch." Said reign hugging me. Uncle reign wondered off and max grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen yelling" ice cream time!!" We made chocolate mint sundaes and had an amazing time. I had to go home so I told max and reign bye.

As soon as I got home my parents were at the door waiting. "How was the school tour? " asked dad. "It was amazing. I loved it." I laughed hugging them. We got ready for dinner when we heard a knock at the front door.

Mom told us to hide, so we ran upstairs to the attic through the back staircase. We heard screaming and yelling. "Why do you need alex?" Asked my dad. "She is to come with us, she is a danger to all of us." Yelled a man throwing my dad aside, my mom ran to dad scared.

Katy pushed open a panel in the wall revealing a secret tunnel. "What's that?" I whispered. "Mom and dad had it installed when you were young, we had too many people asking about your powers or telling mom that she should get rid of you and try to have another child instead. " said katy closing back the panel. " why did those people say those things?" I asked scared. "They feared you after they knew what you could do. You had more powers than any witch ever. They thought you were a threat and you would turn evil like jeather did when she was younger. Mom and dad knew you wouldn't but others didnt. Do you have the necklace mom gave you?" She asked. "Yeah I have it in my pocket."I said handing it to her.

She used it to open a door and go inside it. We heard a crash outside the panel. I started crying, and katie hugged me tightly and said "stay calm, itll all be over soon." We were in the room for about 4 hours before we heard a quiet rhythmic knock."its us darlings." Said my mom. Katy opened the door and we all got downstairs.

"What happened?" I asked through the tears. "That man was after you sweet heart. They trashed the house and dislocated my shoulder, but I promise I'm ok." Said dad hugging me tightly. "Why were they after her?"asked katy.  "We dont know but we know that she have to take a trip, to the wizard . He's the only person who can show her all her powers. She'll spend 2 weeks with him and then come home before her birthday." Said mom. "Hopefully before she escapes." Whispered dad under his breath.

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