Jones meets the visitor

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Author's POV

It had been only a few minutes since Kayleigh was reported missing after she was on the phone with Amelia and it was cold out as the sun had gone down. She was beginning to feel cold as the air had blown cold towards her while sitting on the cliff edge. She watched as Charlie's boat began to pass by where she was, it was pretty far for him to hear her call for help. She couldn't try to call for help as her phone was at the top of the cliff away from the edge. It wasn't long until she fell asleep on the edge. "What am I going to tell dad when I get home and I see him again?" she asked herself. 

"Maybe I could just wait here and sleep until someone finds me. I hope."

It wasn't long until she drifted off to sleep only to be waiting for someone to find her. She was hoping that someone would find her soon. She just wanted to be with her mum and dad.


I was just searching the area of Pontypandy cliffs and I came across a mine that leads to where Sam and Penny rescued Norman while finding the treasure of Pontypandy Pete. I looked down and saw that no one was there. So, I walked over to the ruins and saw a phone lying right beside the rock. I soon felt raindrops falling to the ground. "Is anyone out there?" I called.

I waited until I heard no one answer back. I walked over to where the cliff edges were and saw that it had been loose beforehand. I looked down and saw someone down there, I looked at the phone and realized it was hers. So, I grabbed my bag and tied a rope to a hook, and nailed it to the ground. I took out a harness and a helmet. "I'm coming down." I called below.

I attached myself to the harness and abseiled down to where she was. As soon as I made it down there, I waited for her to wake up being mindful of the pain she was in. She soon began to wake up and saw me right beside her. She was soon beginning to move back, I had to make sure that didn't happen. So, I took a step back and decided to do what I was taught in the event of a situation rising to a new level. "It's ok, I'm a friend. You're safe, I won't hurt you. I promise." I said reassuringly to keep her calm.

"You're a friend?" She asked.

"Yes, I just met your dad. He was worried about you."

"Ok, did he send you here?"

"No, I was just walking up here knowing that this was the first place I'd look. Can you just move away from the edge of the cliff, please?"

"Ok. I don't think we've met, I'm Kayleigh Jones."

"I'm Isaac MacDonald."

"What a lovely name, do you have any friends?"

"I do. Some of them went to join the emergency services. Do you have any Nicknames I would prefer to call you?"

"Yes, you can call me Jones or Kayleigh."

"I think Jones would work better."

"Me too, What about you. Do you have any names you like to be called by?"

"I do. People usually call me MacDonald."

"Why is that?"

I decided to tell her the story about why People called me MacDonald in my cadet training at school back in America. "Well, I joined a cadet training unit for the Air Force in my home country of America and that was the name I went by. It had been a few years since I joined the Unit I was in." I said while sitting down beside her.

"Really, what unit was it?" she asked.

"AZ-941, A cadet training Unit at my old high school, I could've made Officer, but I never did. I did a lot of cool activities like sports day."

"Wow, that sounds like fun."

"It sure does."

Kayleigh and I managed to cool down for a moment and then I reached for a blanket to keep her warm. She fell into the blanket and wrapped herself up, I then reached in the bag and pulled out a little stuffed animal. I knew that she would have a medical condition that I wasn't aware of, which is why I came prepared for anything as I always would. She reached out for it and I passed it to her and she snuggled up with it. Yes, all of my stuff is cleaned before any emergency call I am at without the response of emergency services. "You're the best, MacDonald." she said tiredly

"You as well, Jones. You're doing well at staying very calm, I'm sorry if I scared you earlier."

"It's Ok. I forgive you."

"Thank you. I forgive you too."

"Why does your jacket say US Air Force?"

"Oh, I know some people who went into the Air Force after their cadet training. It was a gift from my instructor for Christmas."

"Whoa, that is just amazing."

"You can say that again."

I soon noticed that she was in pain from the impact of the fall from the top of the cliffs to where we were. I carefully moved over and I saw that her arm was just bruised. "I can tell you're in pain." I said to her.

"You can?"

"Yeah, I just need to make sure it's not broken. Can you try and move it for me, please?"

She carefully moved it and groaned in pain as she tried to move her arm. It was hard for her to move it, I know that it wasn't broken, but I had to make sure that I kept it from getting worse. "Right, I know that it was hard for you since you fell to where we are now, but I need to wrap it up in a bandage for you, is that Ok?" I asked calmly.

"Yes, go ahead. Is there a way we can get up to where I was?"

I looked up and saw that there was a way to take both of us back up to the top of the cliffs near the ruins. So, I decided to climb up and retrieve a sling for her so I can bring her up. "Yes, I just need to grab something so that way I can bring you up with me, Ok?" I added.

"Sure, I can't wait to get home. I have a new year celebration surprise I have to plan."

"Well then, we have no time to lose. Oh, by the way, I have your phone right here. I have a feeling you need it. Can you call your dad so I can talk to him about where we are?"

"Ok, I'll call him. Can I do that when we are back up there?"

"Sure, once we're by the ruins, we'll call him."

Kayleigh nodded in agreement and I soon wrapped her arm carefully in a bandage, grabbed my gear, and attached a sling to the rope that was at the top of the cliffs and she carefully moved to it and sat down while I took us back up to the top. "Ok, you ready?" I asked making sure she was secured.

"I'm ready."

"Here we go. Going up!"

We soon made our way up carefully as the rain was about to pour hard. It was soon getting towards 7:15 p.m. and I managed to bring us up safely to the top of the cliff and detached from the rope as soon as we were back at the top away from the edge. I soon grabbed the rope and hook and store it back in my bag. Kayleigh soon called her dad to let him know where we were before they all came over to our location.

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