I Stay Up

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I stay up late at night

Wondering if it's really worth it

If living is worth all this pain

Worth losing friends


And grief

I think of what ifs and could've beens

I shouldn't but I do

Regrets, is what I fear

But it's something no one can avoid

The depths of my fear is unfathomable

I'm scared of being alone

Of no one ever loving me

For I love too deeply when I do

I'm too sensitive for nature pains

I stay up late at night

Wondering about the world

About my life

If I could be smarter

If I could be prettier

If I could be talented

If I wasn't broken

If I could give out more sincere smiles

I stay up late at night

All night

Without a care

I stay up thinking

And that's what kills me the most

Tonight I shall sleep

Put my head at rest

My heart deserves a break

From this nightmare called

The world...




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