It's better to be with family
With the people who love you
But what if it's hard enough to lie
Lie to family
It's like a sin
I let tears out
Can't even tell my cousin
He's happy
I'm suffering
Everyone is happy
Everyone's got love
There are those who don't care
Maybe I'm in love with love
But I would like to be in love
With someone who could love me
Not someone famous
Not someone too old for me
But someone who could actually be mine
Who I could hug
Who I could smile too
And make me the way I was
This me, is dying
She'll soon die
But hopefully not until she realises
That love is here
Hopefully love will come soon
Because I'm losing my grip
I might let go soon
Life Can Be Hard
PoetrySome poems I write in dedication to my aunt Miriam Galvez who unfortunately lost her battle to cancer. Some of these poems are for people who suffer from depression or people who just enjoy poems. I write them to connect with people, so the ones su...