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Alan's POV
For the past couple of weeks Freddie and I had been looking forward to our first Christmas with Hannah. At first Hannah didn't really understand the concept of Christmas as she had never celebrated one in her life. But after her day with Freddie and Mia, Hannah had more of an understanding of Christmas and was beginning to get excited. The more we decorated the house and starting getting into the Christmas spirit the more she got excited. We were all looking forward to that day, we had planned a Christmas at home with my parents and Freddie's sister. In past years Freddie and I had thrown big Christmas parties with our friends but we both agreed that a party might be too overwhelming for Hannah; a small gathering with family would be much more fitting for her.

It was finally Christmas morning and I was excited to get the day started. I was always the first one awake in the house, Hannah and Freddie were both late sleepers. Even though Hannah would usually sleep in I decided it would be okay to go into her room and wake her up rather than letting her sleep in. Maybe I could even convince her run into our bed and wake up Freddie. I walked into her her room and started rubbing her back, "Good morning angel, time to wake up," I said. As soon I touched her, I noticed she felt warmer than usual. She began to wake up, rolled over and let out an groan. "Hannah, honey are you okay?" I asked her concerned. She looked at me and shook her head pitifully. Freddie, who must have woken up and heard the commotion walked in and sat down on the opposite side of her bed. "What's wrong darling?" he asked her. "I don't feel good. I'm cold and I'm hurting," Hannah said sadly "What's hurting love?" I asked her. "Everything," she said with tears in her voice. "Oh dear. Is your tummy hurting darling?" I asked trying to figure out what exactly was making her sick. Hannah shook her head no but she looked pretty pale. I went through the whole check list trying to figure out what was wrong. She told me her head was hurting her and she kept saying that she felt cold and "hurty." After some more questions I figured out she meant she was feeling achy and she was also running a fever. "Should we take her to see Dr. Meadows?" Freddie asked me. "I don't think it's that serious. I think she just has some sort of virus or maybe the flu," I answered. "Oh my poor darling," Freddie said laying a hand on her head. "Are we still having Christmas?" Hannah asked desperately. Freddie and I looked at each other unsure of how to answer. "We'll see darling" Freddie replied. "Right now you need to rest. Go back to sleep, Daddy and Papa will be back in a second," I said before kissing her and tucking her back in. Freddie and I closed the door behind us and walked into our bedroom to talk. "Do you think we should cancel today?" I asked him. "Oh dear I would hate to, she's been looking forward to this so much and after everything she has been through," Freddie answered. "Well, who says you can't celebrate Christmas even if you are sick?" I said. "I mean, I suppose she could still enjoy it even if she's not feeling the greatest," Freddie said. "Exactly. It's just going to be the few of us and I'm sure my parents and your sister will dote on her and help her feel better," I responded. "Alright so it's settled, Christmas is still on. Why don't we let everyone know just to give them a heads up. I'll go check on Hannah," Freddie said.

Freddie went to cuddle with Hannah while I prepared everything else. While I was preparing things in the kitchen, Freddie came downstairs with Hannah in his arms. She was bundled up in a blanket and clutching her elephant, Juliet was trailing behind. "Oh, how are we feeling?" I asked. Hannah let out a little whine and buried her head in Freddie's shoulder. "She's still saying she's cold and achy but she's happy we're still having Christmas. Aren't you sweetheart," Freddie said. "Mmm hmmm, when are Nana, Grandpa, and Aunty Mia coming?" Hannah asked. "In a little while love. Why don't you and Daddy go have a cuddle on the couch while I get things ready hmm?" I said. A couple hours later my parents and Mia arrived. Just as predicted they all fussed over Hannah making sure she had everything she needed to feel okay. My mother made sure Hannah always had enough fluids, blankets, and food. Hannah spent most of the the night cuddled up with either Freddie, my father, or Mia. Although the circumstances weren't ideal she seemed to me enjoying her first Christmas. She was mesmerized by everything happening around her and not once did she complain. She was cuddled up with my father when we all decided it was time to open up presents. To our surprise Hannah was more excited to watch everyone else open up their presents rather than open up her own. She sat there delighted by each box everyone opened. Freddie and I were particularly touched by Mia's gift to us, a she had made us a scrapbook of our first year with Hannah; everyone memory with her all in one place for us to look back on. "Alright sweetheart, why don't you open up one next," my mother said to Hannah as she handed her a present. Hannah ever so carefully opened pulled at the ribbon and wrapping and looked delighted when she found a cat stuffy underneath. The stuffy looked awfully similar to Juliet which excited Hannah. After opening up the rest of her presents Hannah had fallen asleep snuggled up to Mia. The night was coming to an end and it was time for everyone to head out. "It looks like I'm staying here for the night," Mia joked. "Here let me," I said as I carefully picked her up off of Mia. "Let me kiss her good night," my mother said before kissing her forehead gently. "Thank you for everything," I said to Mia and my parents as they gathered their things to head out. "Of course. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help this week. I hope she feels better soon," my father said to me. After telling everyone goodbye, I carried Hannah upstairs and tucked her in. Freddie came in and helped me get her settled. "I'd say this was a pretty good first Christmas, what do you think darling?" he whispered to me. "I agree, thanks for helping make it so special," I said before I laid a kiss on him. After tucking her in, we both kissed Hannah goodnight and then headed to bed ourselves.

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