Season's Greetings

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Freddie's POV

If I'm being honest, the weeks following our visit to Charlie were not easy. Hannah spent the first few nights in our bed but those nights were filled with nightmares. Every single night she woke up crying or screaming saying that she didn't want to be taken away again. Alan and I would hold her until she calmed down and would be able to go back to sleep. When the time came for her to sleep in her own bed things got even more intense. When we tried to lay her down she would grip onto us begging not to be let go; we would of course stay by her side until she fell asleep but she would often fight falling asleep because she knew once she was asleep we would go back to our own room. School was even worse. Before we sent her back to school we spoke over the phone with April and Ryan since we all new going back to school would not be easy for Hannah. After talking we came up with a plan, Alan and I would come in early with Hannah before all the other students arrived. We would stay with Hannah for a little while and spend some time with her, April, and Ryan. Then before the rest of the students came we would leave. We all agreed this was best- we knew there would be tears upon my and Alan's departure and we thought it best to not have those tears in front of the other students, it would also give Hannah an ample about of time to calm down before school started.

The first day back at school was horrible. The second we walked through the classroom doors Hannah began bawling her eyes out and grabbed onto me like her life depended on it. I knew it was going to be rough sending her back to school but I didn't dare imagine it would be this rough. The tears only intensified when she saw us getting ready to leave. Ryan had to hold her in a bear hug just to keep her from running after us. Thankfully when we arrived at the the end of the day she was back to our happy little girl. That was our routine for about a month or so. There were tears at bedtime and tears at school but after some hard work things were getting better. There was still the occasional nightmare and Hannah snuck into our bed once or twice but things were looking up. For once it felt like our lives were getting back to normal. Hannah was going back to the little girl we knew before all of this horribleness happened.

Throughout these past months we were making up for lost time with Hannah. We had missed her so much and we were so happy to have her back. We weren't the only ones who missed Hannah, my sister Mia was devastated when she found out that Hannah had been taken from us. In the short amount of time Hannah had been with us Hannah and Mia had formed a close bond. Hannah always loved spending time with Mia and they always had lots of fun together. Today she was coming over to spend the day with Hannah and I while Alan was at work. Christmas was coming up and it was Hannah's first one with us. Mia wanted to spend the day doing all of the traditional Christmas festivities as it was Mia's favorite holiday. Mia arrived promptly at 9am, she was very eager to see Hannah and celebrate properly with her. "Auntie Mia!" Hannah exclaimed as she ran into Mia's open arms. "Oh hello my sweetheart! Oh I've missed you so much!" Mia said as she took Hannah into her arms. "Hello Mia, it's so great to see you, Hannah is excited to spend the day together," I said to her. "And I'm happy to be here! We're going to have so much fun today!" Mia replied. We spent the day watching Christmas movies, drinking hot cocoa, and making cookies. Hannah was so mesmerized by everything, it was wonderful to see her so happy again. While I was watching her I had the realization that it was not only Hannah's first Christmas season with us, it was likely her first Christmas season she ever experienced in her life.

After finishing all of our festivities Mia and I decided to give Hannah one of her presents early. "Hannah love, your Daddy and I have something to give you," Mia said to her. "Really?" Hannah said surprised. "Yes, Auntie Mia and I thought it would be okay to give you one of your Christmas presents early," I said as I handed her the gift. Hannah took the gift and was entranced by the wrapping, she spent an extended amount of time looking at it. "Aren't you going to open it darling?" I asked. "But it's so pretty I don't want to ruin the bow!" Hannah said. "After you open it I can tie another bow for you sweetness," Mia said chucking. That seemed to satisfy Hannah and she went ahead and opened the gift. When she saw the necklace Mia and I bought her, her eyes widened with joy. "Daddy it's a necklace it's so pretty!" Hannah exclaimed. "Do you like it darling?" I asked her. "Yes I love it!" Hannah said. "Hannah remember when you and I first met I told you the story about Daddy and my jewelry? How everyone it our family gets one?" Mia said to Hannah. Hannah nodded in response. "Well darling we thought it was your turn to get one too," I told her. "Thank you! I love it, it's so pretty," Hannah said with joy. "You're welcome love. Come here let me put it on you," Mia told her. "There, it looks wonderful on you," Mia said as she fastened it on Hannah. Hannah ran to the mirror and looked at the necklace on her. She looked so happy and it brought me joy to see her like this.

After some more festivities Hannah fell asleep on the couch. Juliet was curled up with her and Mia and I were in she kitchen softly chatting. "My goodness I missed her so much. It's so great to have her back. I can't even begin to imagine what you and Alan went through," Mia said to me. "It was horrible. The house felt so empty without her and it broke my heart every time we would have to leave her with Jack and Annie," I replied. "At least she's home now," Mia said. "Yes, things weren't easy at first though. At first she was scared she was going to be taken away again. It scared Alan to see Hannah so upset. But luckily with some persistence Hannah has been coming back to being her old self," I said. "You two are amazing parents. You have done so much for Hannah and she is so happy with you both," Mia said. After Mia and I talked so more, it was time for her to head home. "Alright it was fun today thank you for coming," I said to her as I walked her to the door. "Thank you for having me, I'll see you next week for Christmas," Mia replied. "Yes, we'll see you then," I said. After closing the door I carried Hannah up to her room and laid her in her bed. It had been a long day so I decided to cuddle up next to her and take a nap myself.

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