Coming Home

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Alan's POV
For the first time in weeks it felt like we could finally breath a sigh of relief. We were all ecstatic when when we heard the judge's decision to let Hannah come home with us. In a way it didn't feel real. I was afraid that someone would tell me that this wasn't real but all I had to do was look back at my girl to know this was real. Once we got home Hannah looked so happy to be back. "Juliet !" Hannah exclaimed as she excitedly ran over to her precious cat. When Hannah reach her, Juliet and even Samson rubbed up on Hannah. "She missed you very much, darling," Freddie said to her. "I missed her too! And I missed Daddy and Papa," Hannah said. "Oh I know my love, we missed you too. But we're all together now, right we're we belong." I said. "I'm not going to get taken away again am I?" Hannah asked with fear in her voice. "No Hannah, we're never going to let that happen again, Freddie said.

After a long and eventful day it was time to put Hannah down for bed. Freddie carried her to her room and snuggled up with her on her bed while I took a seat on the side chair in her room. It felt so nice to be able to put her to bed again in our own home. The house felt so empty without her the last weeks. Freddie cuddled Hannah while I read her a story. At the end of the story, Hannah was drifting off but not quite asleep yet. Freddie and I both kissed her goodnight and were about to get up and go to bed when Hannah woke up and latched onto Freddie. "Where are you going?" she said in a panic. "Sweetheart it's time to go to sleep, we're going to bed in our room," I answered her. "No, I don't want you to go. I want to be with Daddy and Papa," she pleaded. "Sweetheart we'll just be in our room. If you get scared you can just call for us," Freddie said. "No I want Daddy and Papa," she began to tear up. "Okay, okay, how about we stay here until you fall asleep okay" I suggested. "No, no I don't want you to go. I wanna stay with you," she continued to cry. "Darling you don't have to worry about being away from us. When you wake up, you'll still be here. You're not going to get taken away again," I said to her. "Everything is alright now, close your eyes, Papa and I are right here," Freddie said as he snuggled her again and lulled her to sleep. After we made sure she was in a deep sleep Freddie and I quietly went to our bedroom. "I wasn't expecting that many tears over bedtime," I said to Freddie. "I know, it feels amazing to have her back but there's going to be a lot of emotions coming up for everyone," Freddie responded. "I know but we'll pull through just like we did when we first brought her home," I said as I gave Freddie a kiss. Freddie and I then turned in for the night both exhausted from our eventful day.

The next morning I woke up and I noticed the bed felt more crowded than normal. I rolled over and noticed that Hannah was sleeping between us. I had wondered if Freddie had woken up with her. He was always the lighter sleeper of us two and was the one that usually got up to soothe Hannah when she had nightmares. Maybe, she had a nightmare and Freddie brought her to sleep in our bed I thought to myself. Freddie woke up a few seconds later and looked surprised to see Hannah cuddled up next to him. "Looks like someone snuck into our bed. I'm surprised you didn't hear her," I whispered to him. "I was so exhausted, I didn't hear a thing last night," Freddie replied. Freddie began to rub circles on Hannah's back and she began to stir. "Pumpkin it's time to wake up," he said to her. Hannah woke up and looked at Freddie. "Good morning love," Freddie said. "Pumpkin what are you doing in Daddy and Papa's bed?" I asked "I wanted to be with you," she answered . "Sweetness you know you are supposed to sleep in your bed at night," Freddie said. "I was scared," Hannah replied softly. "If you were scared why didn't you call us?" I asked. "Because you were going to leave me in my room again and I didn't want to go away again," she said with guilt in her voice. "Darling, that's not going to happen again. I know it scary to think about what happened but you're going to be with us forever and ever," Freddie said. "That's right. When the judge sent you back home with us he signed a paper saying no body could take you away ever again," I said. "Promise?" Hannah asked. "We promise. You're going to be with us forever and ever," I said as I kissed her head. "But you have to sleep in your bed at night, no more sneaking into Papa and Daddy's bed. You're a big girl Hannah you can sleep in your own bed." I said with some slight sternness in my voice. "Okay," Hannah said softly as she hid in Freddie's chest.

After the scenario in the morning, Hannah was pretty clingy for the rest of the day. I was a bit surprised when she went down in her bed without a fuss. After putting Hannah down, Freddie and I were sitting in our bed. I was reading a book while he was beginning to fall asleep. Suddenly, the door open and Hannah climbed into our bed and snuggled up to Freddie. "Hannah love what are you doing here?" I asked. "I want cuddles," Hannah said innocently. "Daddy and Papa gave you cuddles before bed," I replied. "More," Hannah replied. Freddie chuckled she pulled her into his chest. "Hannah, you can have more cuddles but after cuddles you have to sleep in your bed," I said. "Mmm hmm," she said as she cuddled up to Freddie. Freddie and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. After a little bit of cuddling, she fell asleep. After she was in a deep sleep I looked over at Freddie and said, "alright she's asleep, why don't we put her in her bed." "Oh come on Alan. She's asleep, do we really need to disturb her?" He whispered. "We can't start this habit of her sleeping with us Fred," I whispered back. "Oh alright, alright," Freddie said before he got up and carried her to her bed. She stirred a bit when he picked her up but he was able to shush her back to sleep, After he put Hannah in her room he came back to bed and we headed to sleep.

A couple hours later we were awaken by screaming. "No, no, no! Daddy! Papa!" We heard Hannah scream. Freddie and I sprung out of bed and ran to her room. "Hannah it's okay, we're coming," I said as we were running down the hall. When we got to her room we found Hannah on her bed bawling. "Hannah it's okay, it's okay. Shhhhhh were right here. It's okay love," Freddie said as he took her in his arms. "You went away. I woke up and I wasn't with you anymore. I don't want to go away again!" She cried. "Shhhh shhhh it's okay. It's okay. You're not going anywhere," Freddie soothed. After a couple minutes in Freddie's arms, Hannah's cries became less hysterical. Freddie looked up at me with a pained expression. "What is it Fred?" I asked him . "Alan, she had an accident," he said carefully as not to upset Hannah more. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to," Hannah said with tears in her eyes. "It's okay pumpkin, it was an accident," I said. "Are you mad?" She asked desperately. "No we're not mad, princess, we're not mad," I said as I stroked her hair. "Hannah,  Daddy is going to get you cleaned up while I take care of your sheets okay," I said. "Okay," she sniffled. Freddie gave her a bath and changed her cloths while I got her a new set of sheets. After she was all clean Freddie came back with Hannah in his arms and laid down in her bed with her.  "Okay Hannah, we'll stay here until you fall asleep okay love?" I said. "No, I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with me," Hannah begged. " Alan I'm not leaving her, she's terrified," Freddie said. "Freddie, we talked about this," I responded. "Alan look at her, she's shaking and scared," Freddie said. "Don't go," Hannah cried. " I'm not leaving her like this. If you want to go back to bed fine, but I'm staying here," Freddie said. "Alright then, stay here," I said and then walked back to my bed.

As I lay there I thought it was too tough on her. I wasn't used to seeing her in this state. She did just go through a rough month and a half but I didn't want to pacify her either. I was at a loss of what to do. I felt like we were back at square one and I felt helpless.

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