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I drove back to the office after lunch, feeling numb. My brain was running through a million thoughts. What if something happened between them at the party? Harry didn't seem like the type of person to cheat, but then again, neither did Cliff. I didn't know what to think. I feel like I should trust Harry. Give him the benefit of the doubt, but a part of me was ready to just give up. It would hurt less if I just broke it off now. Even with Jenna's encouragements about Harry, sometimes it feels like if I'm questioning things this much, it's not even worth getting ripped apart by someone again. I shake off the thoughts of breaking it off. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't talk to Harry and hear his side. I really have been enjoying spending time with him, and I don't want to stop exploring our new little world together. I close my eyes for a second. I'm going to talk to him about it tonight.


The office was quiet, no noise except for the ticking of the clock on the wall and faint music playing in the background. I sit back down at my desk and pull out my phone to check my texts. None. I sigh, I guess Harry must be busy with Camille if he still hasn't responded to my text. I quickly input my day that I'd be taking off work for the photo shoot, November 20th, into the joint calendar that Jenna and I have, so that we both know what's going on with schedules and everything. It was nice working for Jenna. Everything was organized and she was one of the best people in my life, always giving me advice and bringing me into her family when I moved here. 

Just then, the door opens. Jenna is just chatting to the client, her back to me as she opens the door for them. It was a girl with blonde highlighted hair and blue eyes, Britta. "Yeah, it was great to meet with you, if you found this session helpful, you're welcome to schedule another appointment with El, over there." Jenna looks at me her eyes growing wide for a second, scream 'what the hell, am I right?' at me before she turns back to look at Britta, smiling and waving before closing her office door. How could I not have noticed that her name was on the schedule. I mentally face palm. Britta wasn't even a popular name, I don't know how I didn't realize it was her. Britta crosses over to my desk and a plaster a fake smile on my face. She's petite with a thin yet hour glass frame. I wonder if she really knew about me or knew enough to recognized me. We never had similar classes in college, the only reason I even knew who she was was because of Cliff. Her ring finger had a large sparkling diamond on it. 

"Would you like to schedule another appointment?" I ask in a falsely sugary sweet voice. I silently thanked my younger self for getting a customer service job. It was the only reason I could tolerate people that I knew coming into work. 

"Yes! Jenna was great, my fiancé recommended this place to me and wow it's doing wonders for my anxiety," she says. She had a very high pitched and fake bubbly voice that would give me a headache after a five minute conversation, and Cliff recommended this place to her? He knew I was still working here too. I nod, yet again showing my fake smile while I clicked on the available time slots. 

"What days work for you?" I ask, and she takes out her phone, probably to check her calendar. However, she clicks answer.

"Hey bby!" she squeals into the phone, holding a finger up to signify that she needed a second. "Yeah I just finished my appointment." It takes all my restraint not to roll my eyes, instead staring at the computer screen patiently waiting for her to get off the phone with who I assume is Cliff. 

The front door opens and Harry walks in wearing some medium brown wide legged pants and a striped black and white shirt with his black and white vans. I look at him in surprise, not knowing that he'd be here. He takes a seat in the chair closest to my desk, waiting for me to finish with Britta and not wanting to be noticed by her either. "Oh my gosh okay, you're outside?" she giggles sharply. "Okay okay okay, let me just make another appointment with the receptionist, I'll be right out. Tell her you say hi?" She looks slightly confused and I try my best not to show my distaste for hearing what she just said. "Okay, bye. I love you," she drags out the 'you' before hanging up the phone. "Sorry that was my fiancé, and apparently you two know each other, so he says hi." My fake smile goes on once more.

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