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"Flight 237 to London, England is now boarding, Please proceed to the gate," a man's voice says over the airport intercom. I had been sitting at the gate for a little while, reading 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' for probably the 5th time. I had found a copy in my room, and I hadn't read the book in forever, so I decided to pick it up again. I mark my page and put my book in my bag, walking towards the line that had started to form. I was so nervous to meet Harry's mom and sister. I really hoped that Harry was the only one picking me up from the airport because I didn't dress up for the 10 plus hour plane ride. 


To Harry: Just landed!

From Harry: Outside waiting for you, look for black Range Rover

I stand up and grab my bag, getting ready to get off the plane. I was so excited to see Harry again, but the nerves of meeting his family were eating at me. 


Wheeling my suit case behind me, I step out of the bustling airport, scanning the cars lined up, looking for Harry. The London air was nippy and my jacket does little to warm me. I turn my head back and forth a few times before feeling my phone buzz.

From Harry: You're awfully cute when you're lost

I look up and finally spot Harry. He was a few cars behind the one directly in front of me and had a major grin on his face. I bite my lip to hide a small smile of embarrassment and walk over to him. Harry is standing by the trunk, waiting for me. I walk up and he laughs.

"Don't even start," I say, trying to be stern but the smile I was trying to hide, betrays me. "I'm tired, I just flew across the world and you laugh at me because I couldn't find your car," I pout. Harry lets out a last chuckle.

"Oh you baby," he says pulling me into a hug. I look up at him and pull him into a quick kiss. He smiles into the kiss before pulling away. "How was the flight?"

"It was okay," I yawn. "I didn't really sleep." Harry nods understandingly.

"Well, let's get you home, so you can get some rest before dinner tonight," he says.

"Dinner?" I ask. 

"Yeah with my mum and Gem. They wanted to meet you as soon as they could, but I knew you'd probably be jet lagged and would want to settle in, so I made dinner plans with them. We're going to Gemma's." He explains. I nod. 

The car ride over was smooth. I looked out the window mostly, trying to take in the views. It was a dreary day, but that didn't take away from my excitement. I wanted to take in all of the views I could.


Harry pulled into his drive way and got out. I followed suit and went to the trunk to take my suitcase inside, but Harry beat me to it. 

We walk through the front door. Harry's house was really spacious. It was decorated similarly to his house in LA, but it felt more homely. I'm not even really sure why, but something about it was cozier. "I love this couch," I say, touching the soft fabric with my fingertips. 

"My most incredible purchase if I do say so myself," Harry says. 

"What should I wear tonight?" I ask, following Harry to the bedroom. He sets down my suit case and sits on the bed. I flop next to him. 

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