Half The World Away

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My heart still hurt from Harry's abrupt exit out my life. I had been locked away for the first few days. The only person who actually saw me was Claire. She came and sat with me, rubbing circles on my back and listening to me talk my heart out about all the feelings I had. I just couldn't believe that Harry would be so rash. I hadn't spoken to him since we had broken up, but I had tried to text him and gotten no response.

It was now week three of tour, and I was just still feeling a little shitty. I could hide it, but I feel like the boys could see right through me. I hear a knock at my door. "Come in," I raise my voice slightly. I see Calum's head pop into my room. 

"Hey, El," he says, coming to sit on the bed with me. I was in a big shirt and pajama shorts with the blankets wrapped around my head. 

"Hey," I say, taking in his black jeans and leather jacket. He was probably going out. The bed makes a small creek as Calum sits. 

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to go out tonight. You haven't partied with us yet," he says. I look at him and then back to the TV.

"I don't think I'm in the best mental state to drink," I say. Calum looks disappointed, but says nothing for a second, instead he watches the random episode of 'Teen Mom' that was playing. 

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asks, looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. I smile slightly, Calum was always someone who you could trust. I felt safe around him.

"Well Harry and I broke up," I say with a sigh. Calum looks at me surprised.

"But we-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Yeah I know you asked about him and I didn't mention it, but we just haven't said anything about it," I say. Harry still hadn't commented publicly about our break up, and I didn't either. All of the pictures were still posted, and the captions were the same. 

"I'm so sorry, El," Calum says. 

"The worst part is that it was because of this," I say, tears begin to well in my eyes. I hadn't let myself cry over this since I had left my room on the last day. "I'm sorry," I choke out. Calum wraps his arms around me and rests his head on mine, holding me there for a little while. 

"I think I'll have a night in," he says, taking off his shoes and sitting fully off the bed. I shake my head.

"No Cal, don't let me hold you back, go have fun, meet some girls," I say wiping my tears away quickly.

"Nah, the most important girl is right here and she needs me," he says. My heart grows a little. "I couldn't live with myself if we didn't watch whatever this shit is and talk til three in the morning." 

"Do you want to get more comfortable?" I ask, gesturing to his tight jeans and leather jacket. 

"Yeah actually let me do that, I'll be right back," he says, getting up and stretching before walking towards the door. I go to the movie rental space to pick one to watch. 'The Notebook' comes up and I immediately think of Harry and how much he loved it. I sigh and keep looking, stumbling on one called 'Killers' with Ashton Kutcher starring in it. How could I say no to a movie with him in it? I press the rent and wait for Calum to come back, grabbing a bag of popcorn that I had been snacking on earlier.

Soon enough Calum comes back wear plaid pajama bottoms and a grey shortsleeved shirt. He smiles at me and holds up a bag of dark chocolate that he'd bought from downstairs. My eyes grow wide and I grin back at him. We watch 'Killers' which was honestly not great, but it was okay. It was a good distraction. It was really late by the time we'd finished the movie and our chat. I don't even remember falling asleep.

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