First match

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Izuku's P.O.V.

After the calvary battle they gave the contestants a break. I was on my way to the cafeteria to get some food when Shoto called me aside where he led me to a empty hallway.

Shoto: That was a foul play back there.

Izuku: And breaking the mind of a helpless individual isn't?

Shoto just looked at me angrily before speaking again.

Shoto: The girls love you, all they were trying to do was protect you from getting hurt.

He said ticking me off a bit.

Izuku: Well you guys did a dam fine job didn't you. Considering I don't have a left arm anymore.

I said raising my left arm as a example of how well they 'protected' me.

Izuku: and I figured out they loved me from Katsumi's drunken night when I left her heart broken. You guys say you want to be a hero but when I look at you all I see is a villain.

Shoto got pissed at this statement but calmed down for some reason.

Shoto: Listen I don't care if you hate me for the rest of your life but just give Sakura another chance.

He said trying to convince me but what he didn't know was how deep my hatred was for all of them.

Izuku: Another chance I gave you guys hundreds of chances I tried to see you guys as friends but once you guys told me to kill myself, I saw we were never friends you only saw me as a pest.

Shoto: That's no-

Izuku: Just shut up! I don't love her I will never love her you guys left me broken, depressed, and suicidal because of something that was out of my control! So, no I will not give that bitch a second chance!

Shoto got pissed off again after my outburst and lit his right hand on fire I reached behind me grabbing my Atlas 45 waiting for him to do something stupid giving me a chance to break his neck. But he must of known what I was about to do because the fire on his right side went out as I let go of my gun, he walked away but not before saying.

Shoto: Mark my words Izuku when this is over you will break up with those sluts you call girlfriends and marry Sakura.

I grabbed my pistol drawing in halfway out of its holster, but someone put their hand on my wrist to keep me from drawing my gun.

???: He's not worth it Reaper.

Recognizing the voice, I turned to see Korome standing behind me.

Recognizing the voice, I turned to see Korome standing behind me

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Izuku: I know but I can't stand him insulting you guys.

Korome: I understand, so how is my cursed blade working for you?

Izuku: Pretty good, I still can't believe you cursed a blade with part of your quirk. It seamed very illogical If you ask me.

I said looking at my katana.

Korome: That's because I had a special quirk.

She said winking at me before walking away.

Time skip to the first match

3rd P.O.V.

Izuku was facing a guy with purple hair named Shinsho for the first match.

Midnight: Ready!

They both nodded.

Midnight: Begin!

She yelled Izuku started to walk towards Shinsho.

Shinsho: your girlfriend looked like a real slut.

Izuku stopped in my tracks confusing the audience.

With Class 1-A

Logan: He done royal fucked up now.

Mina: How can you tell?

Logan: He insulted one of Izuku's girlfriend he'll be lucky to leave there on a stretcher.

Simon: Or a body bag.

Izumi(confused): A body bag?

Simon: The Last guy that called Izukus Girlfriends sluts were a gang of thugs tried to rob him and wanted to rape his girl.

Hesh: He hung them all by their intestines and slaughtered all gangs related to those thugs as well. And this all happened in just two hours.

Simon: I'm scared of what he could do in a entire evening.

This sent a shiver down the spine of Class 1-A as they returned their attention to the match praying Izuku doesn't kill him while Shoto was concerned he might suffer same faith as the thugs.

Back to Izuku

Without warning Izuku ran at Shinsho who threw a punch that Izuku caught with his right hand. When he caught Shinsho's punch Izuku broke his elbow with his robotic hand. he let out a painful scream that was quickly silenced with a punch to his throat causing him to stumble back coughing. Taking the diversion Izuku sent a salvo of punches to Shinsho's stomach making him cough up blood. Izuku continued his assault never giving Shinsho a chance to breath and get his bearings.

Izuku: Never!

Izuku slammed Shinsho's head on his metal plated knee pad giving Shinsho a concussion as blood poured down his head.

Izuku: Call!

Izuku broke Shinsho's jaw knocking out a few teeth.

Izuku: My girls!

Izuku dislocated his shoulder and broke his knee with a stomp.

Izuku: sluts!

Izuku flipped Shinsho on his back, Izuku placed his knee on Shinsho's chest aiming his Atlas 45 at his head at point blank range.

Izuku: AGAIN!!!

He yelled emptying the entire mag, rubber bullets bouncing off his head at 830 feet per second. Once the mag was empty Izuku stood up looking at the mangled and bloody body of Shinsho before grabbing his collar and lifting his body.


He yelled, Shinsho didn't respond he was unconscious do to constant brain trama and internal bleeding, before throwing him out of bounds.

Midnight(scared): I-I-Izuku w-wi-ins!

No body cheered out of fear of seeing a monster nearly kill the student he was facing.

Akame: He went easy on him all things considered.

They looked at her as if she was crazy.

Izumi(shocked): How is that easy? He basically destroyed Shinsho's body nearly killing him.

Izumi said shocked at the fact that the nicest person she knew did that.

Akame: He could have killed him when he punched him in the throat four minutes ago.

Class 1-A was scared of Izuku now, Shoto especially since he also called Izuku's girlfriends sluts.


Shoto(scared): "I'M GOING TO DIE"

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