how the harem started

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3rd P.O.V.

The morning was just like every other morning in class 1-A the students being loud as Izuku being annoyed with his ex-friends and family trying to get his forgiveness until Aizawa entered the room shutting everyone up.

Aizawa: Alright class today is not over.

Class 1-A(worried): Not another test!

Aizawa: Well be choosing class president and vice-president.

Class 1-A(relived): A normal class thing.

Aizawa: you guys pick who you want as class president.

At this everyone was shouting except sentinel and Akame, Eri latched on to Izuku out of fear at the sudden shouting making him mad.


Everyone shut up and sat down.

Izuku: Now we are going to put it a vote to see who the class wants as president and you can't vote for yourself." assholes."

After counting the votes.

Aizawa: after counting the votes congratulation Izuku and Momo are the class President and vice president.

Izuku and Momo walk to the front of the class.

Momo: "OMG the cutie in my class is standing next to me."

Izuku: Thank you for seeing me fit for class president I promise to treat this class like it's my own team.

Sentinel: Ooh-rah.

Lunch time

Akame's P.O.V.

I was walking to lunch with Izuku ato get something to eat until someone called out to me.

???/???: Hey Akame, wait up.

I turned around to see Katsumi and Sakura walking towards us.

Katsumi: Akame can we talk to you alone.

Akame: Sure, Izuku you go ahead with Eri and get something to eat.

He nodded and went to the cafeteria as we walked around the corner.

Akame: So what is this about.

Sakura: Well you see we have feelings for Yagi.

Katsumi: And we wanted to know if you're willing to share him with us.

There was a moment of silence before I answered.

Akame: No.

Katsumi(angry): What?

Akame: I said no he doesn't want to be around ether of you.

Katsumi angered tried to attack me with her outstretched arm when a figure grabbed her, tossed her to the ground and put a pistol to her head.

???: Don't move.

Izuku's P.O.V.

Akame told me to go ahead but I couldn't shake that feeling something will happen until I saw Hesh waving at me.

Izuku: Hey Hesh can you take Eri to the cafeteria while I check on Akame?

Hesh: Why, you got that gut feeling again?

Izuku: Yeah, I do.

He took my daughter as I went to the place, I saw Akame go only to see Katsumi who is going to attack her. I acted at the site by grabbing Katsumi's arm, using her momentum, I redirected her attack and tossed her to the floor and followed up with my knee between her shoulder blades as I put my MP443 to her temple.

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