explaining code Alpha, Akame and Kuromes dad visits

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Izuku's POV

It was finally the end of the day as I headed to the safe house. arriving at the door I looked to make sure no one was watching as I enter to be meet with Eri again.

Eri: Papa!

She yelled hugging me. I picked her up as I walked into the living room seeing my beautiful girlfriends.

Girls(happy): Izuku!

The girls yelled hugging me.

Izuku: Nice to see you girls to.

I said as we broke the hug.

Seryu: So Izuku what are you doing back?

Izuku: Had a code alpha back at home and can't stay there for a while.

I answered as they gave me a confused look.

Leone: Code alpha?

She asked. I soon realized I never told them about the codes I had for when I needed to leave my home.

Izuku: Hey Eri why don't you and Esdeath go to your room and play.

I said not wanting Eri or Esdeath to hear what I was about to say because Eri was to young to know what it was and Esdeath would go on a man hunt looking for my sister and her friends.

Eri: Ok.

She said as her and Esdeath left. Once out of ear shot, I turned my attention to the others.

Izuku: So, you still want to know what code alpha is?

The girls nodded

Izuku: *sigh* Alpha was a code I made for if Izumi, Katsumi or Sakura plan to have their way with me you could say.

Th girls had their hair cover their eyes when I said that.

The girls(angry): I'm going to kill them.

Izuku: Calm down I'm sure they got what they had coming to them.

Mine(angry): How can you be calm when there is rapist in your own home?

Izuku: I keep 3 claymores, 2 LMGs with armor piercing rounds, 5 smart grenades, and 50 pounds of C4 in my room remember.

I said as the girls realized that I placed traps in my room last night.

Izuku: So why don't we relax before Esdeath hears and goes on a man hunt.

Time skip

I was in the living room with my girlfriends watching a romantic comedy that the girls chose to watch Mine had her head on my left shoulder crying, Sheele on my right while Eri was asleep on my lap. To say I was suffering would be an understatement as I tried to act like I was enjoying it.

Izuku: "I wonder if I could use this to torture Toshinori."

I thought as I was struggling to watch when suddenly someone rang the doorbell.

Izuku: "Oh thank god."

I thought as I set Eri on Sheele lap and went to answer to door. Opening it I was meet with air pressure sending me through a wall into the center of the safe house getting the girls attention and waking Eri.

???: You better have a good explanation for knocking up my daughters!

In an instant I reconised the voice.

Akame/Kurome: Dad!

Izuku(pain): What are you talking ab-

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Izuku(pain): What are you talking ab-

I didn't finish my sentence as AFO sent another wind pressure attack to my chest knocking me through the house skidding to a stop in the back yard.

Izuku: I guest were fighting then.

I muttered getting up pulling my atlas 45 firing the entire mag in rapid succession as AFO put up a wall of earth to stop the bullets. Once the slide locked back I dropped the mag inserted a fresh one firing 5 more rounds until I felt a burning pain in my left knee making me hit the ground hard. Looking I saw the damage that 2 45ACPs can inflict on a knee when AFO lowered the wall as Korogiri standing beside him as I figured out why 2 bullets hit my knee. Suddenly I saw Esdeath, Leone and Sheele charge only to get blown back by a similar attack I hit with at the start. Angered I aimed my pistol and it started to glow and change.

 Angered I aimed my pistol and it started to glow and change

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I pulled the trigger as a .45ACP found Korogiris neck peace exploding on impact sending him into a wall as AFO turned to me only to be met with the rest of my mag sending him back. I dropped my pistol as my body suddenly felt cold the girls rushed over to me trying to stop the bleeding when AFO rose back up and walked towards us when Akame and Kurome stood Infront of him.

AFO (angery): Girls move out of the way.

Akame: Not until you tell us why you are attacking our boyfriend.

AFO (angry): Because of her.

He said pointing towards Eri making her coward.

AFO: I told him that if he knocked either of you up I would kill him myself.

Kurome: What are you talking about she's adopted.

AFO looked at her like she was crazy.

AFO(confused): What?

Kurome: Overhaul was torturing her for her quirk and Izuku saved her.

AFO: Well damn now I feel like an idiot I thought he made one of you a mother before graduation.

He said before walking to me.

AFO: Sorry about that.

He said before activating a quirk.

Izuku: No....Pro.....blem.

I said as I finally felt the effects of blood loss and started to lose consciousness.


After AFO healed Izukus wound he looked at the girls.

AFO: Again sorry about that I'll have someone come to fix the walls.

AFO said as Korogiri regained consciousness and warped him out of there as the girls let their guard down.

Mine: That was close.

Seru: I agree. I can't believe All for one is your dad Kurome.

Kurome(nervous): Well we didn't want you to think we were villains.

They fell silent for a moment as Esdeath picked up Izuku to take him inside.

Esdeath: I don't blame you I think we all would have done so as well.

She said as the others agreed.

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