Before the final fight

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3rd POV

The teachers and heros were gathered in a conference room with a pissed Night raid Jeagers and sentinel working on a way to save Izuku Katsumi and Sakura.

Logan: I'm telling you one of two had to be the traitor the villains knew M16 knew our location any where everyone was.

Logan said trying to convince the heros Sakura or Katsumi were the UA traitor.

Endeavor: What about Izuku he was also captured.

Simon: No we knew this man all our life he hates villains even before we got our quirks.

Suddenly Najenda opened the door.

Najenda: Guys we got a lock on Izukus phone so lock and load were heading out

With the villains.


Katsumi's head shot left after receiving a punch from toga. After the attack the villains tried to convence Katsumi to join the villains going as far to offer Izuku to her as a slave but in the end they got violent much to the robots protest.

Shigaraki: Now I'm going to ask you again are you willing to join the League?

He asked but Katsumi remained quiet. Shigaraki getting impatient nodded to Toga who in turn drew her knife.

Robot: Ok that's enough she won't join if you keep torturing her.

Shigaraki: You stay out of this.

Robot: Listen here you-

Suddenly the door opened revealing Sakura who walked in.

Sakura: She join yet?

She asked looking at Katsumi.

Twice: not yet. Lets break her some more.

He said Sakura knowing it will take more convincing looked at the robot seeing as it tried to protect Katsumi when they started to get violent gave it orders.

Sakura: You tin can go heal my lover he has somemore burn marks and frost bite from needing discipline today.

Robots POV

I exited the room as they continued to torture Katsumi. I wish they never brought me back after I died but as fate would have it my brain was placed into this machine.

Robot: "I need to get a message out or they will kill my sister."

I thought until I heard a voice behind me.

???: going to heal the young boss.

I turned around seeing my girl Kora.

Kora was built like korogiri but has a human form a few more quirks and a free will

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Kora was built like korogiri but has a human form a few more quirks and a free will.

Robot: Why are you here Kora?

I asked seeing her sport a fake shocked look.

Kora: I'm shocked Katsuki after all the time we spent to getter you still address me like a stranger.

Katsuki: If I had lips I would greet you another way.

I said making her blush. We soon made it to the room Izuku was being held in. opening the door I expected to see Izuku with a few second degree burns and bruses but when I opened the door my mechanical heart dropped. Inside the room Izuku was beaten badly and his right leg was missing with ice still around his upper thigh.

Katsuki: Oh my god!

I said rushing to his side.

Katsuki: Kora I need help.

I said trying to put a turakit on the missing leg. After a while we stopped the bleeding thanks to koras healing quirk AFO gave her but unfortunately we couldn't replace his leg but it would have to do.

Kora: Jesus I knew the league was mad but this is insane.

Katsuki: This can't go on I get tortureing but this is were they crossed the line.

I said thinking of a plan to get us out of this place until I got a Idea.

Katsuki: I got a plan but it's risky. Head back I can handle it myself.

I told her as I exited the room and headed to the armory where they held mine and his weapons. Inside I approached a table that had a Atlas 45 what remains of a mechanical arm and a I phone. Picking up the phone I pressed the home button the screen remained black telling me it was turned off so I turned it on to see a emergency transmit app on it.

Katsuki: I don't know what's dumber the fact he dosen't have a password or the fact that he has a app just for this.

I said pressing the button changing the screen from a button to a show a message that said location sent. After that I placed the phone face down and walked out.

All For One's POV

I sat in my chair watching the monitors in the observation room when Kora entered the room.

Kora: I'm Sorry to interrupt but I have some disturbing news.

AFO: I Know Kora I know.

I said after a second of silence I spoke again.

AFO: Kora you may leave.

I said she nodded and left the room as I stood and strolled over to the window to see the beauty of the city lights.

3rd POV

AFO: Ever sence the battle with Sir night eye I had his curse of seeing the future of any one I touch a few being my own daughters.

He said as we see Akame sharpening her Katana while Kurome looked down the blade of hers to see if it was straight.

AFO: Ever since that day I saw how they will Die. I tried changed the future as much as I could but like a river it always remained the same as the course of time returns to the same time line that I tried to avoid.

We see the league eating at the table.

AFO: But the last mission proved that the future can be changed.

We see Izuku getting burned by Sakura again while she tries to break him.

AFO: Now the final battle is coming and one of two out comes are going to happen.

We see the rest of sentinel checking weapons and gear readying for the raid.

AFO: But no matter who wins one thing is for sure. All For One will be no more.

He said staring out the window as the final battle was closing in and ether the league or sentinel will die.

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