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One day ago

"Are you ready lix?"

Chan and his boyfriend were on their way to Korea to visit family. Their parents always knew them as 'best friends' and not lovers. They thought it was a good timing to come out to their parents.

"Y-yeah..I am channie-hyung.."

Chan squeezed his lover's hand reassuringly.

"I know you're scared don't have to be! I'm right here!"

The older kissed the top of his boyfriends head and smiled. Felix looked up at Chan and stared into his eyes for a moment before connecting their lips. A tall man shoves Felix away from Chan then walks off.

"What the fuck is your problem you fucking bitch?!"

"Hyung it's okay It's fin-"

Chan glared at the younger boy.

"No it's fucking not."

Felix sighed and grabbed Chan's hand.

"Don't fucking touch me Felix!"

Felix's eyes started to water. Felix never really knew what to do in these situations. He knew his boyfriend had a really hard time controlling his bipolar depression. All he could do is kiss and cuddle him. Felix pushed their two bodies together and buried his face into the taller's neck.

Felix sighed, "channie..I love you, you know?"

Chan slowly put his hands onto the blonde boy's back, "lixie I'm so sorry..I can never control it..I-it just happens and I can't-"

Felix cut Chan off, "I know hyung. It's not your fault. I still love you so so much. Now, let's get on your flight okay..?"

Chan nodded and kissed his boyfriend one last time before they both boarded their flight.


20 hours later

Felix and Chan arrived at their apartment. Felix quickly opened the door and was engulfed in a safe, comfy smell. Felix slowly inhaled to savor the homey smell. Chan Felix softly smiled.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Chan shook his thought out of his head, "nothing must be hungry right?"

Felix nodded quickly and ran over to the kitchen. Chan chuckled at his lover and walked over to his couch. He threw himself onto the couch and turned on the TV.

The majority of Russia has been infected with a disease that makes you extremely suicidal. We don't know why this is happening. We are trying to keep you all updated. We actually don't know if it's a disease or not... the suicide and death rates have gone up by 70% in Russia! It makes you go crazy. It makes you extremely suicidal...

Chan's eyes go wide, "what the fuck..."

Felix walks over to the couch with two bowls of ramen. He hands one to the older and quickly starts eating.

Felix looks up at the TV with a confused look, "What's going on babe?"

Chan looks at him then takes a bite of the ramen, "I think there's some kind of disease that's spreading through Russia that makes you go crazy or something."

Felix mouths an 'oh' then quickly goes back to eating his ramen. Felix felt worried for some reason. He had this weird feeling in his gut, warning him that something bad was happening.

Chan brought himself closer to Felix, "Y'know don't have to worry okay? If this thing actually does spread to us..I'll always be with you. I won't leave your side."

Felix made eye contact with his lover, then softly placed his lips onto the older's. Chan deepened the kiss, gripping onto Felix's waist as the younger wraps his arms around Chan's neck.

Felix slowly pulled away; a line of spit connecting the two, "..I love you hyung."

"I love you too lix. I always will."


I literally don't proofread these chapters because I'm too lazy too so sorry if there are any mistakes asf 😞‼️

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