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Chan opened his eyes to see his lover sleeping soundly, face to face with him. Chan placed his lips on Felix's and moved them slowly. Felix opened his eyes and immediately kissed back.

"Good morning lix.."

Felix snuggled into the older's neck and kissed his jawline, "..good morning channie..."

The door opened and the two looked up to see Changbin standing at the doorway with a pan of eggs.

"Get up guys, two more people came over. They're going to be with us from now on too."

Changbin walked out and the two boys looked at each other before trying to get up. Felix placed his hand on Chan's wounded arm to support himself while he got up.

Chan inhaled sharply at the pain, "...fuck Felix.."

Felix let go of Chan's arm as tears welded up in his eyes, "oh- oh-! Channie I'm so sorry..please forgive me I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I-"

Chan pulled the younger into an embrace, "lix it's didn't mean to do it. Let's get up now okay?"

"Oh- Okay.."


"Does it hurt?"

"Yeah- Yeah.. a lot. It really hurts Minho hyung.."

Jisung was propped up on 2 pillows against the couch. Minho held Jisung's injured leg on his lap as he wrapped a bandage around his ankle.

Minho sighed and caressed the smaller's swollen ankle as Changbin walked in.

"Hey. How's Jisung doing Minho hyung?"

Minho looked up at Changbin from Jisung's ankle and gave Changbin a warm smile, "He's doing better now. Thank you so much Changbin. I truly am so so greatf-"

"It's really no problem hyung. I know we've only seen each other from across the classroom but I couldn't just let you die out there."

Jisung shot up and gave a questionable look at the two boys, "wait you guys know each other??"

Minho slightly chuckled and pushed Jisung back down onto the couch with his wrist, "yes we do. He's in my science course."

Jisung shaped his mouth in an "oh" and put his hands in his lap, continuing to admire Minho's pretty features.

" know minho, we don't have much food left. Don't you think we should go out and get food from the supermarket or something?"

Jisung fiddled with his fingers some more as Minho shifted on the couch, "yeah yeah, do you think we should taken the others too? Or split up?"

"I don't think you should go! ...I mean..I don't want you guys to get hurt. We need you both," Jisung bursted out.

Minho and Changbin looked at Jisung, then at each other, "it's okay Jisung we'll probably take Chan with us or something," Changbin calmed the younger.

"But what if-!"

"Jisung please don't worry," Minho cut him off, "We got this. We're going to be okay baby."

Jisung silently nodded and continued fidgeting with his small fingers.

Jeongin walked into where the trio were, Hyunjin following behind him.

"Hi Jeongin," Changbin peeked behind Jeongin, "hi Hyunjin."

Hyunjin waved at Changbin and put his arms around Jeongin. Hyunjin pushed Jeongin onto the couch and sat down next to him.

"Who are they Changbin?" Jeongin whispered.

"Hi! I'm Jisung! This is my boyfriend Minho! He might seem cold at first but once you get to know him he's such a sweethea-"

Minho squeezed Jisung's swollen ankle causing the younger to Yelp and cut his rambling off. Jisung cutely glared at Minho and the older grinned.

"I'm Minho nice to meet you," Minho stuck out his hand for Hyunjin to shake; Hyunjin doing so.

Felix and Chan walked into the room, eyeing the two new males. Chan looked as Changbin as he motioned Felix to sit on the couch. Chan plopped next to Felix and but his hand on the younger's thigh. Chan watched as hyunjin, Changbin, and Minho had a conversation with each other. Felix snuggled into Chan's neck, his eyes getting heavy.

"You're still tired lix?" Chan whispered, kissing the boy's forehead.

Felix simply nodded his head into Chan's neck as Chan put his arm around the boy.

"-oh and this is Felix and Chan." Changbin brought the couple into his conversation.

"Hi I'm Chan," Chan waved his hand.

Felix slightly waved his tiny hand at the two new boys.

"I'm Minho. This is Jisung, my boyfriend."

Felix raised his head and smiled, "we're all gay?!"

Jisung laughed at Felix's remark and put his hand in Minho's, "yeah I guess we are! I don't know about Changbin though..heh.."

Changbin was too busy staring at Felix pretty features to hear his name come up in the conversation.

Felix waved his arms at changbin's face, "Changbin! Hyungie!!"

Changbin looked around to see everyone staring at him, "what- what?"

"Are you gay hyung?"

Changbin bursted out laughing, "that's such a weird thing to ask! But yes I am gay."

Jisung smiled at Felix and he smiled back, "cool! It's like we're the not-straight kids," Jisung gasped in the middle of his sentence, "that's what she should call ourselves! The not-straight kids!"

"It has no rhythm or flow to it sung" Minho protested and raised his eyebrow.

"But it's true! Please hyung please!" Jisung pleaded at Minho, giving the older puppy eyes.

"..fine...but we're never saying that out loud!"

Jisung jumped off the couch out of excitement and immediately fell back down, twisting his ankle even more. The group laughed as Jisung laid on the floor. Minho sighed and picked the boy up, holding him in his lap, "stay Jisung."

"I'm not an animal!"

"Well you're acting like one. Stay."

Jisung pouted and Minho laid a sweet kiss on Jisung's soft lips.

"Alright, I guess we should get to planing out who gets to go to the supermarket. We really need food," Changbin stated.


I've been on writers block I'm so sorry bestie.
Also I wanted to get this chapter out so for like the 3 people who actually read this book can be happy.
See you next chapter 😄🙌‼️

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