
23 1 2

Jisung went missing 6 hours ago. The five boys looked all around the house for Jisung but sadly, he was no where to be found. The boys decided to check the basement since they were out of options.

Chan followed behind Felix as the younger walked down the stairs.

"..lix," Chan whisper-yelled, "do you see anything?"

Felix didn't respond right away. The boy was too busy trying to find some sort of light.

Felix found a right switch and flipped the switch. The light was dim and dark; very sad looking.

Felix looked up from the light switch, examining the room for Jisung.

Felix stopped as he saw his friend hanging from the ceiling. Felix screamed as he watched Jisung's blood drip from his dead corpse. Jisung's eyes were white and dead; his mouth parted open with blood slowly dripping out. His forearms were slit all the way down to his wrists as his ankles were bleeding too.

Chan Quickly looked up from Felix and felt blood rush to his head as a sign of anxiety. The sight in front of the couple was a sight no one would ever want to see.

Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Changbin rushed down to the basement as a response to Felix's shrieking. Jeongin quickly felt himself get sick and ran back upstairs; Hyunjin following behind the boy to make sure he's alright. Jeongin got to the top step but tripped, his body slamming into the floor. Jeongin vomited from impact as hyunjin came running up the stairs. The boy continued to vomit and shake vigorously as hyunjin held him in his arms.

Tears streamed down Felix's face from the fact that he lost his friend. Felix and Jisung were just starting to become close. Felix never had any friends in his life. He's always been the outcast. Until chan and came along and stayed by his side. Felix knew it was a stretch to think of Jisung as his best friend, as they've only known each other a few days, but Felix loved Jisung. Jisung was an amazing friend.

"Why would he do this channie.." Felix couldn't stop himself from crying.

Felix was shaking; his head pounding.

Chan didn't respond. He held the boy in his arms and tried to calm his lover down.

As for Changbin, he didn't know how to feel. Even though Changbin didn't know Jisung for very long, he still cared for him. That went for all the boys, he cared for all of them.


Jeongin laid in bed with a cold, damp cloth on his head. Hyunjin sat next to him and stroked the younger's pretty blue hair.

"I love your hair innie..it's so adorable..you look like a cute little blueberry," hyunjin praised as Jeongin turned his head to smile weakly.

"Thank-..thank you hyungie.."

Hyunjin kissed Jeongin's forehead. The older's lips felt the temperature difference between his lips and Jeongin's warm head.

"Try to go back to sleep in," Hyunjin tucked Jeongin into the covers and laid down next to him to snuggle with the younger.



Felix cried and shook furiously into the nape of Chan's neck. Chan had Felix in his lap as he tried to calm his boyfriend by caressing his hair and waist. The fact that Felix had to see a dead body was extremely overwhelming for the younger. The fact that the dead body was his friend? That was way worse.

"I can't," Felix choked on his sobs, "I can't get the image out of my head.."

"I know baby..I know.."

Felix tightened his grip on Chan's hoodie and continued to sob. Chan laid down on his pillow; Felix still in his arms. Chan sighed, embarrassed for what he was about to do.

"He knows what I think about," Chan began to softly sing, "what I think about.."

"One love..two mouths..one love..one house.."

Felix stopped crying so hard. His cries turned into soft sniffles.

"No shirts, no blouse.. just eyes, you'll find out.."

Felix's grip on Chan's shirt loosened as his boyfriend's voice soothed him.

"Nothing that I really want tell you about no.."

Cause it's too cold..for you here..

And now, so let me hold both your hands in..

The holes of my sweater.

Felix drifted off to sleep. His eyes still puffy and wet from crying. His lips were swollen and nose crimson. Chan sighed in relief that he didn't have to sing anymore. Dispute Chan's amazing voice, he was still self conscious about it. Chan placed a kiss on Felix's nose and continued to caress the younger's hair til he too, fell asleep.


I feel like this chapter is cringey. I just don't like it that much 😟💔‼️
Also sorry for not updating the story besties. I've been busy with school and stuff.
I don't know how to continue the story. I'm kinda scared I'm gonna run out of ideas and this story is going to go to shit. So, sorry if it does.
Thank you for reading 😫‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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