Series of Incidents pt 1

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Paying for the service, Taehyung was being chased to the office because of Jimin's continous nagging. The bullshit Jimin said as his schedule for today seemed much worse than those books of Algebra he had to practice through. In order to let his friend's processor cool down, he decided to give Jimin a break for a week. Jimin's face was radiating light more than the shining sun at the sky of hot summer after getting such a present for working his ass off for a workaholic Taehyung. He left the office that instant to pack his things and set off for a relaxing tour, also he wouldn't mind if he can find his life partner in this tour too.

As Taehyung watched him getting away from his monotonous life style, his mind was again travelling to that cafe incident. The male really seemed to be someone he should know about but can't get his finger on it. And the most questioning part is that if he was someone he knew about so much, he should've known his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend too. But he was sure that it was first time for him to see her face. Roaming around his photogenic memory, his mind assured that he has never come across such a cold and bold face and attitude like her. The files resting on his table again got no attention left to be paid. Slapping his own head,he decided to drown himself down in his work.

Change of plot

Jimin is packing his luggage along with his roommate's one. They usually spend their vacation together. Sipping on his banana milk, his roommate entered the room and laughed like a hyper bunny, almost spitting all of his precious milk. "You international playbunny, at least do your own work!" The bunny boy shook his head like a naughty bunny and spilled out Jimin's one of the most hidden embarrasing fact, "You promised me to do all of my work for 1 whole week.Don't wanna miss that oppurtunity which I get once in a lifetime, you Jamless dwarf!" Jimin was embarrased the next day after he made that promise because of his drunk state, this little sneaky snake just took advantage of him. He has no time to drink and do stuff usually, causing him to have low tolerance in drinking. So when he got drunk last weekend in the club near his office, he promised that thing if Jungkook could drive him home.

And that is how this two bunny and mochi always entertain themselves like this with their daily dose of embarrasment and quarrel.

Change of plot

"What do you want us to do, Sir Kim?

"Don't you think she should pay respect to a mafia leader who came back from his hiatus? At least a visit to my boss. It's disrespecting and a shame for her no matter what her position is or was in his heart."

"You want me to bring that bitch grabbing her hair and torture her to teach her a lesson?"

"That's why you bastard are an idiot. You think you can win against a  girl like her who is more intelligent than any of you?"

"Kidnapping is not a choice for you then, Sir. Then what should we do for our master?"

"Take this invitation to her. It may poke her curoisity that how our master is surviving  even without her shelter and wings."

"What if she doesn't come, Sir? Should I kidnap her then?"

"Stop your bullshit! Do as I said. The things you keep asking are none of your concern. Mind the business I've given you." 

"Sure Sir. The payment?" The man said showing his dirty set of teeth along with rubbing his hands together.

"After you hand over that cunning fox this invitation to hell."

"Consider it done, Sir." The man gave him a dirty smile making the other man want to puke all over him. But he can tolerate everything for his love, let it be a fucker touching his clean hands when he has mysophobia. Yet the love of his love doesn't seem to notice his love for him, always mourning over some cold piece of iceberg who should be in Atlantic Ocean, floating like a lost person in the freezing temperature. All he can do now is just stay by his love's side and wait for his strike to be the sunshine and moonlight of his love's heart and mind.

"But Sir what are you really going to do if she doesn't come?" Said his right hand with a calm tone.

"I myself will go there to  handle the situation and lead the operation of her kidnapping case. After all,

She stole the thing which should rightfully be mine forever."

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