The Party Came To An End

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"Seo Joon hyung!" The younger boy flew towards the man making the man engulfing him in to a bear hug. "My little baby brother, you've grown more manly! Drinking, huh?" Taehyung got a little shy after the praising. "Hyung, where have you been? I even asked Seokjin hyung but he said that he doesn't know." The sparkles in his eyes seeing his lovely hyung in front him shows how much strong their brother bond is though they are not blood brother. "Oh my, you are still the dashing lad I saw last time Taehyung", he said engulfing Taehyung in a big bro hug. Taehyung was more than happy after seeing his hyung after so many years. 

"I thought you stopped coming here? I was expecting Seokjin in your place." Taehyung had a small little pot on his lips. "So you didn't want to see me, hyung? And the one you are talking about "busy" right now with someone." Joon just squeezed Tae's baby cheeks making both of them giggle like a bunch of kids met each other after being hella bored in a party.

"I wonder whom you are working for, hyung." Taehyung asked looking at his hyung hopefully. "I am working under a  special guest tonight. The rest of the judgement is up to you, little boy." He left him slightly patting his back. The playful smirk that his hyung showed him before leaving him, he gave him back one. People are crowding near the huge ass door. Did J arrive? When?

Change of Perspective

 The smile on his master's face is more bright than all the lightening in the whole hall. God and he knows how much he missed hosting parties for years. J was happy and it was his biggest reward for his hardwork. They entered shining like Moon Gods. The black mask embroidered with a dark red rose and the white mask embroidered with a golden rose were covering their face. Needless to say everybody recognized J without any doubt. As for his right hand, they could only bet on anyone to be honest. 

J sat on the marvelous throne and his partner on his right side, standing. Taehyung already guessed who could it be. His Joon hyung, who else? Bringing a professional smirk on his face, he went to them to show respect and gratitude for tonight's party. The gleaming sets of eyes were watching them as he came towards them with his brother. Eventually Seokjin left his so called partner was left alone and most probably, drunk. Both of them casually bowed in front of them as Seokjin took the initial to talk. Just some casual talk, carefully avoiding the question of his past they talked and laughed for a while. The whole time Taehyung took many secret glances at the person standing beside J. Wishing his hyung good luck in his mind, they left J alone after a while.

"How long has it been after you have seen him?" "Many painful years." They kept talking to the leaders as the ritual. While Seokjin was with Taehyung, both looking a little lost in somewhere. The exclusive dinner of the delightful nighht was best as always. Many of them started to go back to their respective place. Seokjin also left with Taehyung with a excuse that he was drunk, taehyung just rolled his eyes at him. He left him in front of his house as Seokjin just throw him a flying kiss and went back to his place. Taehyung reached his home at almost 3 am. Throwing himself in the shower and taking a cold bath, he changed his dress and hugged his Tata plushie and went in deep sleep. 

J left just a little after Kim brother, though he was afraid to meet her once again, but that didn't stop him from expecting her arrival. Sighing a little he left with his partner and went back home. Taking off the mask from J, they both had a peaceful bath time and after that, they slept together, spooning J in his arms. The sleepiness took over one of them, as for the other one was thinking.

"I am coming, Señorita. Expect my arrival."

"I know darling, I am expecting you once again as you are a man of words, aren't you?"

I thought I already published it days ago but now I see that I didn't even click the publish button -_-

- Author A

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