5. Morning After

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I sluggishly rubbed my eyes as a yawn escaped my mouth, trying to wake up. It took me a minute to realize where I was, when suddenly all the memories of last night came rushing back as I felt the body underneath me shift. I lazily sat up, and looked down to see George still peacefully asleep. He looked so sweet while he slept, his cheeks were a dark pink and his lips were puffy and slightly parted. His hair was messy and sticking in all different directions, and his arm was lifelessly draped across my lap.

I took a moment to look at him, admiring how beautiful he was. Though that admiration was quickly interrupted when I realized what time it was. We had fallen asleep around 5am, and as my eyes met the clock it was just about to hit 9 o'clock.


Everyone would be waking up soon, if they weren't awake already. I snapped out of my daze and hurried to wake up George.

"George... Georgie- Come on sleepy, we need to get up." I whispered leaning closer to his face, brushing my hand through his bed hair.

I was met with a deep groan, as his arm wrapped around my torso and pulled me down next to him.

"Five more minutes." He groaned under his breath, lazily pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"As lovely as that sounds, your family is gonna be up and downstairs any second now. We're gonna have a lot of explaining to do if we don't get up right now." His eyes shot open as he processed what I said.

"Oh, shit." He said, now seemingly alert as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Yeah, oh shit is right. Come on sleeping beauty, wakey wakey." I said as I crawled off the couch, standing up and holding out my arm. He rolled his eyes with a smirk as he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled himself up to stand.

"It doesn't sound like anyone's awake yet, go slip into your room and try to change without waking Fred. It's gonna look suspicious if you're still in your work clothes. I'm gonna try and do the same." I said as I turned to head up the stairs, but was stopped by a strong pair of arms grabbing my waist from the back.

"Not so fast, Miss Parker." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my hips and pulling me against his body. "Didn't think I'd let you go that easy, did you?" His breath against my skin sent a shiver straight down my spine as he gently kissed my neck. As much as it killed me to do so, I pulled away slightly and turned to face him.

"You're very impatient, Mister Weasley." I said teasingly, tracing my finger along his chest. He stuck out his bottom lip, faking an exaggerated pout.

"I've liked you for seven years, I think I'm pretty patient if you ask me."

"Well then you should have no problem waiting a little bit longer then, hm?" He rolled his eyes, and I placed a painfully slow kiss on his lips. I felt something pressing against me, and looked down to see a large bulge poking through his trousers. I gulped, trying not to show how taken back I was by the size.

"Oops, did I do that?" I teased biting my lip, looking down and then back at him. He looked down and groaned.

"Well seeing that it is your fault, it would only be fair that you be the one to fix it." He whispered, pulling my chin up to look into his now dark and lustful eyes.

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as I slowly pulled my face up to his ear, feeling him tense up under my touch.

"You wish, Weasley." I stuck my tongue out at him as I slyly slipped out of his grasp and turned to hurry up the stairs.

"Oh, you are so gonna regret that later." He whispered loudly through his teeth, clearly a bit frustrated.

"I'm sooo scared, whatever will I do?" I said as I mockingly covered my mouth with my hands. "Good luck with that though," I teased, pointing between his legs. "See you at breakfast." I winked, before lightly sprinting up the stairs to Ginny's room.

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