7. Girls Night

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George eventually made his way back to his room and crawled into bed beside me. I had been fighting back my drowsiness waiting for him, and was trying desperately to keep my heavy eyelids from closing as he got under the covers next to me. I was laying on my side as he pulled me into his chest and intertwined his legs with mine. He felt so warm against my skin, and the thought of falling asleep in his arms caused a wave of peace and comfort to wash over my body. I bent my arms under him and moved my hands to hold onto his forearm as I nuzzled myself further into his embrace. 

"Goodnight, Georgie." I whispered. 

"Goodnight, darling." He said as he placed a kiss on my temple. "Sweet dreams, angel." He whispered as I drifted off to sleep. 


I woke up around 4 am to an empty bed, and a wave of confusion quickly overcame me as I looked around the dark room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness. I looked over to the side of the bed where George had been sleeping, and noticed a small piece of paper laying on his pillow. I took the note in my hand and grabbed my wand from the nightstand, casting lumos as I unfolded the small piece of paper.


I waited until you fell asleep to go sleep downstairs on the couch. I didn't want you to have to be disturbed and sneak down there before mum and dad got home and everyone woke up. I'll wake Ginny and Ron to warn them about getting Harry and Hermione out of their rooms before they get back, so don't worry about that. I'll explain that you weren't feeling well and needed a quiet place to sleep, so I gave you my room in exchange for the couch. I'll be gone before you wake, I need to be at the shop today. Freddie's gonna meet me there, I'll be back tonight. 

I'm sorry for slipping away, you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you. 

P.S. You look very beautiful when you're sleeping, especially when you're moaning my name in your dreams. 

xx, George

I felt my cheeks flush red as I rolled my eyes and bit my lip, staring at the note for a few moments longer. Was I really moaning about him? In my sleep? Merlin, that's embarrassing. 

I slowly got up off the bed and quietly walked over to the bedroom door, creaking it open gently as not to wake anyone. I tip-toed down the many flights of stairs until I reached the final staircase leading down to the first floor. I paused for a moment, listening for any noise, but it was silent as ever. I rounded the corner into the kitchen, and slowly made my way towards the living room. 

There he was, asleep on the couch just as he said. His long arm was hanging off the side and his fingers were grazing the floor, the side of his face squished up against a pillow he had brought from upstairs. I stood there for a moment, appreciating how beautiful he really was. His bare back looked like it was glowing from the moonlight pooling in through the window, and his lips were puffy and parted just enough for air to escape as he snored lightly. 

I felt myself smile as I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall,  just thinking about the last few days. Especially last night- I couldn't stop the memory from replaying over and over in my mind. I wanted nothing more than to be with him in that moment, I mean really be together. More than I ever had. And I was the closest I had ever been to that wish coming true. 

I walked over to where he was sleeping, and carefully sat on the floor beside him with my knees bent up to my chest. I brought my hand up his face, and brushed his cheek with my thumb as gently as I could. I continued the motion in small, soft strokes, leaning my head against the arm of the couch and admiring him as I did so. He was still sound asleep, his body slowly rising and falling as he breathed. 

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