Merry Scaredmas

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Y/n and Draco head back to bed. "Good morning" Draco said in a croaky voice. "hello,love"y/n said while packing a suitcase. "Where are you going?" Draco said, walking over . "To New Orleans, go pack up. You are going for christmas. I already sent a letter to your parents. They said yes by the way. They love me." she said super happy. "Will you be my girlfriend"draco asked shyly. "Why yes my dear I will" she said as she went over to grab her bag.She kissed Draco. "What was that for?" he said. She smirked while walking over to grab a cup of mint coffee. *He packed his clothes in his dark green bag* "I love you" they both said at the same time.( They kissed. She kissed him. They did the d*ed.) (they got dressed) "Time to go ferret boy"she said cutely. "Oh shut it". "I mean it won't 'kill me' you love me too much"she said, mocking him. "Time to leave' he said, ignoring her so she wouldn't be mocking him the whole plane ride. (they arrived). "Sweety , I got you an early christmas gift" Kol said amused about the gift. At first she thought it was a bat to hit Malfoy when he pissed her off. Or a dagger. Or a dark object. She really couldn't decide. "Close your eyes.. You to draco.... Look!" He said really happy. There sat a baby Hippogriff. "No,no,no..... Why.... does she have to take it." he said looking at the hippogriff. " I think I should name him Buckbeak" y/n said petting him. Everyone is ignoring Draco. "Isn't he lovely. The man kept saying he was dangerous. What got into him? Stupid Humans." Kol said, pleased with Draco hating it. Y/n was really worried that Draco was going to become Kol's new Damon. "Draco come here look at buck beak!"she said. Her and Kol were a lot alike. They both were pleased with peoples fright and anger. The only difference was Kol was dagger 5 times while she was alive and y/n was never daggered. 

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