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A silver wolf appeared

"what is that"Keelin asked

 "a silver wolf. it looks like a ghost."Freya said putting down 

"hello, Alexandra says to tell Freya meet her at Caroline's house. she needs you" The wolf said in wolf language to keelin.

"what is it saying"

"we need to see Alexandra, she's at Caroline's house"

"I'll go"


"ok I am here"

"she going to have a baby" Caroline squealed and jumped.

"now your father can't say no to my online shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" caroline said again

"she's probably more exicted than i am"

"But why did you call me"

"Can you see what i am Having?"



"and it is twins"

"gender" both Y/n and Caroline said at the same time

"one girl and one Boy" Freya said.

" i have to tell draco"

"tonight i will"

Freya and Caroline leave



Ok. Here my plan brain. I will put some baby clothes in a drawer and the test.

Draco walks in



This book has blown my mind. i never new this book would blow up.

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