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Y/N entered ginny's room

Y/n was crying,so hard she was loosing her breath

"ok, Y/n what happend?" Ginny said calmly

"f-fred died, Micheal killed him." Y/n said

"why can't i be happy ginny? you have Harry" Y/n said

Y/N's eyes turned black and then yellow then she fell to the ground.

Harry walked in

"hey gin- oh my merlin what happend?" harry asked as he looked at Y/N'S body

"I-I- fred died. she had a panic attack. her eyes turned black and yellow then she fell to the ground i think she fainted." ginny said.

"ok why don't we send a patronus to those people she always talks about" harry implied


"expecto Patronum" ginny called out as a silver hourse appeared

"go to Klaus and Caroline tell them its about Y/n"



"ah shit" Caroline said as a silver horse appeared

"Klaus I know your horse die but did you really have to buy another one?" caroline yelled

"what? I did not buy a horse"  Klaus aid while walking into the room

"you didn't? are you sure. I mean it looks like the one that your father killed. Remeber the horse that you drew with me next to it?" Caroline asked

"yes i remeber but this is one of those patronus things" Klaus said

"ok. what do you say little guy" Caroline

"come to the burrow. Its Y/n. Touch my back and i will apparate you there"

So they did just that but they also brought freya

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