u crazy

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"i have to tell you that i am going to propose? " Draco asked

"yes" Y/n says with a pout

"you are bloody ridikulus" Draco says

"No i am not"

"Propose to me"

"fine" Draco says with a huff

"will you marry me"


"are you happy now"

"Yes" Y/N Says with a squeal


"look" y/n said with a squeal

"that's what you were mad about" kol asked while pointing to the ring.

"maybe"Y/Ns says

"yes, she was mad that i didn't tell her. And that I didn't show her the ring" draco says

"phyco"Kol mutters

"another word and you will be daggerd"Nikluas says


5 months Later



I can't belive this book is working out!

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