death is waiting

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Draco's pov

Draco shifted to the manor.

"mom, Lucius." draco called out.

He could let Lucius die but not his mom.

Then he opened his mom's bedroom door and saw her on the ground

"mom,mom, no, Please you can't die. Remeber Me and y/n were going to move here. You could meet you grandchildren." Draco said as he cried. 

Then he remebered Y/ns hippogriff . 

He saw it dead

Then someone came and snapped his neck.



"mom oh mom your alive"

"son, we are both dead"

"what, no i need to see my twins be born.

"i'm so sorry son, but we have to go"

"now I can't Leave them"

'let's go watch over them"


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