love at its finest

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"Time to go to bed,"she said. They both hopped in bed and went to bed. When she woke up she saw a note "no classes today, spend time with your partner, marriage class Tomorrow 7am." minerva. "Draco wakes up." "5 more minutes" "i will let you kiss me"y/n said with hope. "Ok," he said. He sat up and kissed her. 1 week later. "Hi little snake, you halfbreed" pansy said. Y/n eyes started to change colors from white to black as she started to rise. Blue and red flames started to erupt from y/ns hands. Pansy fell down trembling. Draco ran over to Y/N . he took her outside and said to scream. So she did. A red force burnt down all the trees. She fell down and started crying into draco. She passed out. Draco carried her back to their bedroom. Klaus received a note about it. Klaus arrived with the whole gang. "Hello love" Klaus said.They all entered her room and Draco and her sat on their bed. ."Hello father". "Who is this fellow?" Rebekah said. "Draco Malfoy her boyfriend i guess" he said "I guess" said Marcell. "We were assigned together to be married in july"Draco said, still shocked about her aunt being 1000 but looking 18. "Assigned" Kol said, giving Klaus a death stare. "There's a new marriage law, the ministry did a blood test to see who each other's soulmate could be then paired us together to get married" Draco said scared they knew nothing only Klaus and Caroline did. "All the parents agreed," he said again, clenching y/ns hand. " they did what" Freya said. Freya used magic to snap Caroline's neck then used up to pick Klaus up. "You killed her, You bloody killed her." he said. He curled up against y/n trembling about what he just saw. He just saw a 16 year old that was y/n's mom be killed. He was scared to death. "Is she going to be alright. You seem unfazed. Does this happen a lot? Am i going to die.?" draco whispered . He was obviously startled. "She is immortal, she will be fine, and yes they do kill each other a lot. And no you will not die" she whispered. "You were supposed to be her father, why would you do this?" Elijah said. "You should've told us" Kol yelled. Draco kept squeezing y/ns hand more and more by the second. "I will turn you inside out and fry you like a pig you asshole" Freya yelled.Caroline woke up and hit Klaus. "How did she wake up? Are you immortal". "Yes I am but I can age, and she is kinda revived." "YOU GUYS ARE MENTAL , the poor boy is scared to death." Caroline screamed. "Sorry" they all said. 

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