Malls,Dates,Demands Oh My! 2

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I felt rather awkward as I skimmed through the menu, here and there I would sneak a glance at hime only to catch him staring, my cheeks would then stain a red color. He cleared his throat afer what felt like an eternity.

I looked at him raising a eyebrow before he spoke, "Your probably wondering why your here.. on this date with me" He said as the waiter came back and he ordered a steak and salad for me before the waiter left I spoke up. 

"Wait I think not, I don't want a salad" I said flashing Asher a glare before the waiter gave me a questioning look. "I'd rather have the Marian four shrip pasta" (Made that up lol). He nodded, "Very well Ma'am" he said before taking off.

"You were saying" I said suddenly gaining some confidence as I looked at him. His lips tugged into a smirk as he nodded, "As I was saying" he spoke in a matter of fact voice.

"Your here because... let's just say you have caught my eye" I rolled my green eyes at him. "Right I've been here for what? A day and you suddenly have taken interest in me?" I said pointing a finger to myself.

Woah.  Where did this come from? I don't know maybe I felt safe that we were in public. His face held a surpirse look while his eyes held humor. "So I was wondering if she did know any other words than Yes or no and thank you" he said bitterly.

I glared at him momentarily before snapping. "Get to you point". He rose an eyebrow before his eyes flickered darkly. "You will not talk to me like that." He said practically growling. I lowered my eyes in submission before muttering. "Sorry Alpha"

"Asher." he snapped.

I nodded, "Yes sorry Asher" I said annoyed by him now.

"Right, what I meant to say is that I know the real reason why you left your old pack." He said, my eyes lifted from the table to his handsome face that held his smirk.

Before I could speak he continued. "Iris I think the worst mistake was leaving your old pack for mines" he said his eyes getting darker. "I am a very powerful man Iris, I take and get what I want when I want with no hesitations or questions asked."

I raised an eyebrow at him still wondering where I come into play, as is reading my mind he eyed me up and down. "Now you got the part where I am a powerful man right?" I simply nodded. 

"I want you Iris."

I think my breath hitched and my heart stopped as he said these words.

Now confused I couldn't say anything as the waiter came and served us our food. We ate in silence as I processed his words. Out of everyone in the world.. me?

He then decided to break the silence, "Iris."

I muttered as I looked up to his gaze my heart doing summer saults as I looked with my green eyes into his blue ones. "Yes.?"

"Anything you'd like to say?" I shrugged as I looked at him. "I think this is a very played out joke" I spat towards him. "Do you do this to all your new females of the pack?" I said raising an eyebrow.

Asher glared at him with such intense. "No I don't Iris, but you do have trouble understanding that your mine, and only mine. You'll see Iris that with my touch you'll cumble." He said in a cockily tone.

"We'll see alpha but I do ask you to spare me and find some other one" I said rudely. He offered me a smile as the waiter came back and cleared our dishes.

"Oh Iris don't play with fire, you know I wouldn't want you to burn your pretty self" Asher said with a grin. I knew I couldn't play nor handle his games I was bound to fall but what if I took a leap of faith.

Old timid Iris has died and new Iris has come forth. I think I like this, I thought to myself as I smirked at him. "Did you just smirk at me Iris?" I giggled. "Why yes I did."

He made a tsking sound as he got up and offered his hand to me and lead me to his car without another word which scared me .

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