Heart Racing, Head Messing.

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I looked out the window seeing that darkness was already falling, I yawned pretty sleepy but I just couldn't sleep. I tried counting wolves, I tried humming but nothing worked. I guess that I was just going to have to be restless tonigh. I heard movement outside my door and whispering, slowly I stood up making sure I was light on my feet. 

I creept towards the door placing my ear on the cold wood. "You better keep watch on her every day of her life, don't let other males talk to her, she is mine and only mine" I heard a voice that was harsh say. Then someone else spoke. "Yes Alpha Asher I won't let anyone near here." a voice said their voice was rather shaky I kind of sounded like Jenna. I stepped back making a creaking sound as suddenly both of the people outside my door left closing their doors as they entered their rooms.

I froze momentarily then started to walk towards my bed slinetly laying down, Was that Jenna and Asher peaking about me?. I asked myself as I closed my eyes, no way it can't be I just got here. Yet your already on the top floor next to the alpha's room. My wolf told me as I mentally rolled my eyes. 

Sleep overcame me like a smack in the face, sunligh spilt into my room as I groaned and peeked with one of my eyes. I sat in my bed yawning as I looked at the clock, 12:00 am. "Shit" I muttered as I quickly stumbled out of bed and rushed to my closet picking out a tank top that was flowy and see though, I then grabbed some shorts and sandles and changed into them.

I ran into the restroom styling my hair in lose messy curls and applied mascara to my my eyes 'pop' and some neutral eyeshadow. I sprayed some perfume then cracked open my door as I slipped out quietly.

Suddenly Asher's door opened he was in black button up with his hair messy as always, his face had his famous scowl as always. I quickly looked down as he walked by, well I thought he did as he stopped right infront of me.

"Look at me." He said his voice demanding, as I slowly looked up flinching slightly as my bright mossy green eyes made contact with his dark blue ones.  A smirk spread across his full lips as his hand came in contact with my cheek. 

"Don't you ever look down, your to pretty to be hinding that face from me" He said in a growling voice. My heart started racing as he called me pretty, I could feel my cheeks start to burn and flush firetruck red.

I gave a simple nod, I didn't know why but he made me feel strange, he shook his head his head getting just above his dark blue eyes. He made a 'tsking' sound, "Tell me if you'll ever learn how to speak to me when your addressed" He said a smirk playing of his fine features as his eyes flickered with humor.

I could have sworn that my heart was going to race out of my chest any moment now, as I looked at him shuddering slightly from the huskiness of his voice. "Unless.." he said trailing off before I could respond, his face coming closer to mines his lips an inch apart from mine, "You need to be taught a lesson" he said his voice coming out in a dark seductive voice.

My eyes widened slightly, I couldn't stand it anymore for some reason it was a turned on hearing those words come out from his mouth. I pressed my body closer to the wall and let out a squeak looking at his lips, they seemed to mesmerize me.

He gave me knowing smrk as I looked into his eyes, "Erh no, I think I got it." I said, I wanted to smack myself into the face at the response I gave him, He cocked an eyebrow at me before chuckling. He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "If you say so.. But I'm across from you if you need me" He told me before stepping back and leaving me there breathless.

My heart was racing as I was sweating as I watched him go, not once did he turn around and give me another look. I let out a long sigh of relief before calming myself down and walking down the stairs holding the railings as I shakyily made my way down them.

I entered the kitchen where Jenna was in a crop top and shorts. She greeted me grinning, "Hey there Iris", I shot her smiled going over to where the fruits where. "Hey Jenna" I said as I picked up an orange, apple and banana and then went to the fridge getting strawberries and rasberries I set them on the counter getting a bowl.

I looked over at Jenna who was eating a sandwhich, "Eww why are you eating fruits" she said her with her mouth full as I giggled. "Oh you know eating healthy. She raised an eyebrow, "I don't do healthy" I rolled my eyes because she was skinny as a stick.

Jenna finished her sandwhich as I prepared my fruit bowl and went to the table and sat down across from her. "Soo..?" she asked as I was about to eat my fruit. "Hu?" I asked as I started eating. "What's your plans today?" I swallowed my food and laughed, "I have no life so nothing. Jenna then brightened up, "Great were going shopping because Asher saw you wardrobe and said you didn't have clothes.

I groaned, "But why?" I said in a whinning voice until the last part registered into my head. "Wait. How does Asher know that my closet is half empty?" I said with a frown. Jenna wiggeled her eyebrows then shrugged. "I have no idea"

I glared at her waiting for her to give me the real response. She looked at me her lips presse shut into a line. "As a matter of fact I have to do somethings around my room" I said, what a terrible and unbelieveable lie. She looked at me sighing, "Fine but you can't tell anyone. I gave a simple nod waiting for her. "I don't know anyone so who would I tell?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. She scotted in closer leaning against the table so that her stomach was on the table now, "Asher is ask-" she shook her head. "He's taking you on a date tonigh"

My jaw dropped as she told me the news, no way in hell could I surive a date with him. "B-But he never asked me" She smirked nodding "That's the point" she said watching me with her bright blue eyes. "So when am I suppose to be ready?" 

Jenna huffed then leaned closer again, "Around 7 I think he said." I groaned as she leaned back. "But why me?" I asked in a whinny voice again. She winked to me giving me the 'Oh I don't know look'. "Were leaving in 10 anyways.. so hurry up and eat that disgusting plate of fruits" she said laughing as she stood up to go wash her plate.

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