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Iris's P.O.V:

I eventually fell asleep in Asher's arm, the sun shone through the room making me groan in frustration. I yawned as I felt muscular arms around me.

 I sighed in relief as I snuggled closer to Asher, I peered up at his sleeping figuer. He looked so peaceful and relaxed, he messy dark hair was in his face.

I giggled then looked around, I was next to a shirtless sleeping Asher in his room. The events of yesterday suddenly dawned on me.

I stared blankly at the white walls sighing. Asher groaned as I tried to feel him off of me, my hands flew to my neck there was just a scratch but not a full bite.

"Asher wake up" I half whispered trying to pry his iron grip on my body away. He mumbled something inaudible to me before grabbing me closer.

"Asher!" I hissed smacking his shoulder. "What?" He groaned as his eyes flew open revealing his piercing blue ones that were quite calm.

"Get your death gripping arms off of me" He rolled his eyes smirking. "What if I like them there?" I giggled at his response. "Well then I suggest you better learn to keep your hands off of me because I have to get up" I snapped playfully.

He rolled his eyes huffing "Okay fine but you do realize your in my room meanging it's my rules?" he said glaring at me playfully.

I glared right back at him. "So..?" I said trailing off. "So I can do what I please in my room because it is my room after all" he said chuckling as flipped me and pinned me down as I giggled.

"Asher!" I squealed. "Yes?" he said smirking. "Your going to crush me if you don't get off of me!" He leaned down. "That would be a shame hu?" I stared into his blue eyes. "It would" I said barely above a whisper.

He leaned his head down closer to mines, he smirked at me before kissing my forehead. "C'mon up we go" and with that he got off and went into his shower.

My breath was caught and my heart was hammeringas I slowly got off the bed hearing the shower turn on. I quickly made my way out of his room not before peaking down the hall and scurried to my room.

I went into my bathroom and turned the water to luke warm, cleaned my self quickly and dried myself as well. I went into my walk in closet and looked around for clothes to wear.

I got some light blue denim ripped shorts and a white slowy shirt, I adorned myself with earings and a necklace and put some white flats on.

I opened the door and made my way down stairs, I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself an apple and a water bottle I spotted Jenna smirking at me.

"I saw you this morning getting out of Asher's room" she said moving her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

I felt myself blush as I giggled. "Well I guess you saw right" I said with a simple shrug as she raised an eyebrow. "Nothing happened" I sighed remebering the situation from before.

She nodded looking at me with sadness. I shook my head and sat across from her biting into my apple. "So you doing anything today?" I asked

She shook her head, "No but we can hang out" she smiled weakly. "Hmm.. you okay?" I said scanning her face. "Yes yes" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't lie to me Jenna"

"I-I'm not" she countered. "Lair" 

"Fine fine, well Asher told me to keep you entertained while he attends to alpha duties." I nodded. "Okay well why couldn't you just tell me that?"

She shrugged still not making eye contact. "Jenna." I said softly. "Nothing don't worry about it, how about we go to the Wolves Plaza?" she said trying to brush it off.

"Fine" I muttered watching her wash her plate and turn to look at me. "I drive!" I shouted smirking at her.

She huffed, "No fair!" I shrugged, "You snooze you lose!" I said running out of the kitchen and grabbing my car keys.

I turned on the car and waited for her to get in, once she was in the car I drove through the gates and off.

It took us literally 5 minutes to get to the Wolves Plaza. I parked in the lot and got out it was pretty cool outside, fresh spring breeze.

I put on my black aviator sunglasses and grabbed my purse. "Hmm where to?" I turned to look at Jenna. "How about we get some yogurt?" I nodded. "Okay sounds good.

I took a look around, it was pretty scarce and bare. "Um.. Jenna?" I asked. "Seems pretty bare hu?" She nodded. "Yea it does"

Just then a two girls from Cedar Creek pack walked towards us as me and Jenna went towards the Frozen Yogurt shop.

One of the girls had light brown hair and brown eyes she had fair skin I automatically recongized her as Ashley and next to her was her righ hand bitch Lexi. Lexi had black hair and blue eyes and fair skin as well both were pretty but both were pack sluts.

I gritted my teeth as we pased them I heard Lexi whisper to Ashely that I was a slut that slept with Tyler. I rolled my eyes but Jenna stopped.

"Look you stupid bitches don't start shit with my soon to be Luna" Jenna hissed. They both turned around on queue glaring at us both.

I had a smirk on my face as I glared at them both. "Look bitched by tomorrow you'll both be history and your name won't even be recongized so do yourselves a favor and shut the fuck up"

I stepped towards her my eyes flickering with annoyance. "Listen hear skanks, if I hear another word from those cunt mouthes of yours it won't be pretty so turn the fuck around and go to your corner god knows you have customers waiting.." I hisses my voice laced with venom.

They both scoffed and turned away muttering. "Hoes" Jenna said obviously annoyed with them as we went into the shop to get our yogurt. "What do you think they meant when they said we would be history?"

Jenna shrugged as she scopped up her ice cream and shoved it down her mouth grinning. "Who cares you know whatever comes out of their mouth is shit"

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