Not You !

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This chapter goes out to Simsalot, thank you for the support (: !

Also warning there is a semi mature content here if you are not comfortable do not read on. I think this chapter is really sad I dunno I kinda teared up writting it, lol.

Iris's P.O.V

"Hey I'm going to go to the Falls I heard the view is amazing!" I told Asher as he eyed me closely. "Hmm.. wait a minute and I'll go with you"

I rolled my eyes shaking my head, "No thanks I'd rather go alone, maybe later" I said boldly. He gave me a smirk as he ruffled his hair. "Fine but don't be to long we have to greet the other packs civily". Asher said in a sarcastic voice.

"Fine Mr. Demanding" I huffed playfully. "I'm not just demanding I'm sexy as well" he said shooting me a wink before I gasped.

As I left I could hear his chuckle. Man is Asher so bi polar. I went into my tent and grabbed my bag that consisted of a towel and extra clothes with a few snacks.

I hauled it onto my shoulder and began to make my way towards the falls following the hiking trail and the signs leading to it.

I sighed in relief as I selected a spot and put my stuff down, there wasn't anyone there. I sat on the rock listening to the water peirce my ears and listening to the birds make noise.

I closed my eyes feeling the cool breeze as if everything was gone and it was just me here breathing in the fresh air.

My eyes snapped open as I heard a twig snap in the distance, I stood up my heart racing as I looked around, my dark flickering green eyes grazing the beautiful surroundings.

As I turned around my eyes widened as Tyler's hand shot out to cover my mouth, a twisted smirk plastered onto his face as he pushed me against a tree.

"Shh, don't scream" he spoke his voice husky as his pale eyes pierced into my green ones. My heart was hammering as I stood there breathless.

"T-Tyler" I studdered out as he removed his hand from my mouth. "Long time to see Iris" he spoke as his hands came down on either side of me trapping me.

I simply nodded not trusting my voice. "Don't speak anymore?" he said his voice cold and dark. "I-I do but I don't have to talk to you because you can't make me I'm no longer in your pack.. remember?" I snapped coldly.

"I see you have a sharp tongue now." He hissed back, I placed my hands on his chest and attempted to push him away. "Get off" I snapped

"Or what?" He narrowed his eyes. "I'll freaken kick you where the sun don't shine" I hissed. "Oh how sweet I'm shaking" He said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"What the hell do you want?!" I snapped. A twisted smile covered his lips as he leaned closer his lips near my ear. "You"

I gasped as I glared up at him. "Like hell" I said as I brought up my hand and slapped him which didn't seem to affect him.

He pressed his body closer to me backing me further to the tree, I glared into his eyes my teeth gritted. "Get off you ass hole" I said my voice faultering

"Not until I get what I want and I can assure you I will" he said in a dark voice as he grabbed my wrist in a rough way and pinned them above me. "HELP!" I screamed out as he crashed his lips onto mines.

I tried to mind link Asher but his link was cutt off, my heart was beating harshly as I felt Tyler's lips on mines roughly. He bit my lip asking for entrance but I denied.

He pressed himself closer until I felt his hard on on my thigh, my eyes widened as I gasped this gave him a chance to move his tongue into me.

I closed my mouth bitting his tongue as he pulled back cursing. He raised his hand and slapped me. "Don't you ever try that stunt ever!" he roared as I flinched back.

He then pushed my neck to the side and started to trail kisses on my neck. 'Jenna please help me I'm at the Falls please!'. I sent her a mind link as Tyler continued to trail disgusting kisses down my neck.

"Tyler stop this right now!" I said my voice cracking from sobs. He murmured a few words before he landed on my neck, the place where your mate is suppose to mark.

"STOP!" I screamed. "I should have done this a long time ago" He smirked as he took out his canine teeth. He nipped my skin before settling down on the spot.

I could feel his teeth before he was ripped out from my grip and thrown to the floor. I fell to the ground sobbing as Jenna made her way to me hugging me closely. "IRIS!? Oh my god I am so sorry" she soothed me.

Asher was on Tyler smashing his face in, anger pouring out. "You fucken asshole if you ever lay your filthy perverted ass hands on her again I will fucken kill you" he shouted in anger.

A few of our pack mates tried to pull him off screaming to stop or he will kill him. Finally he stopped and stood up. He turned to me and picked me up bridal style. I cried into his shoulder and he whispered it would be okay.

He carried me the whole way into the car and loaded the things back in. I was in the passenger seat curled up as Asher got into the car and drove us back. The ride on the car was silent as the whole time I ws awake shivering and thinking about what just happened

I was almost claimed by my ex alpha and I'm pretty sure there was going to be a pack war since Asher beat the crap outta him.

When we got to the pack house Asher carried me to his room and set me on his bed me climbed in next to me as I grabbed onto him and snuggled close to him. He said nothing and so did I.

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