Camping and bonding.

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The car ride home was rather awkward as I bid my good nights and flopped onto my bed tired, I groaned into the pillow confused. I just started playing with fire and I was dying not to burn myself.

I slipped into the shower quikcly and took a warm shower before heading to bed, I fell asleep instantly as my head hit the pillow. A knock on my door made me groan in frustration as I growled rolling out of bed.

I could see the light outside, dayum it was already morning. I opened the door glaring at the person who had decided to wake me up. "Morning Iris" I heard his husky voice. Immediately my eyes shot open as my cheeks turned red.

My hair was in a curly mess and I was in my pjs and probably had droll all over my face. "Erh Asher" I said stepping back and crossing my hands over my chest.

"Be ready in 5, pack meeting in the living room" I nodded as I looked at his face and not to my surpirse there was his smirk as his blue eyes roamed my eyes.

I closed the door my face heating up as I quickly slipped on a white casual dress that had a black belt, I then grabbed my white sandals and styled my hair in lose curls that were natural. I put on lip gloss and stepped out and quickly made my way to the living room where the meeting was being held.

I entered the room just in the nick of time as Alpha Asher was going to speak, his eyes roamed my body as a smirk was plastered onto his lips. "Glad you could join us Iris" he said my name slipping like silk from his mouth, it sent shivers down my body as I took a seat next to Jenna.

"As we know we are holding our annual camping trip. The trip will include Stone Ridge Pack, Shadow Pack, and lasty Cedar Creek Ridge Pack." His eyes flickered to my as my heart started racing, I don't think I could handle seeing Alpha Tyler.

Jenna nudged me as Asher was staring right at me. "Everyone has to go, no ifs and butts" he said and I knew he was directing his words towards me. "I except everyone to be on their best behavior, your actions represent how we look." He said his eyes searching everyones.

"We leave today at 6:30, so everyone go and hurry and pack remember it's a 3 long thing but ladies please no one month packing" He said with humor in his voice as the pack laughed.

I sighed as I stood up Jenna sent me a wink as the living room cleared out, I had to talk to him. As if reading my mind he came over to me. "Iris" He said with his famous smirk. "Asher I have to talk to you." I said barely above a whisper.

"Then talk" He said in a serious tone. "You know I can't go" I said looking at the ground. "And why is that?.. Timid of your old pack are we?" He said hands folding across his chest as I flinched at his words I was dying to tell him.

"No but-" Asher cut me off before I could speal. "Iris your going so don't think you can get out of this besides.." he said trailing off as I lifted my head to stare into his blue eyes. 

"We'll have some bonding time" He sent me a wink before leaning in closer. "Unless that's the real reason you don't want to go". I stared at him in disbelief. "It's not" I snapped which took him by surprise. "Are you sure darling?" he said with his taunting voice.

"Already burnt your self with fire?" He said raising his eyebrow, "Because if you did I wouldn't be surprised" I glared at him my jaw clenching as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever I have to go pack" I muttered going up to my room to pack. 

I pack 3 pairs of jeans and 3 pairs of shorts with 6 pairs of shirts and 2 pairs of swim suits and 3 sweaters and 3 pairs of shoes. Hey you never know if you need the extra. I also got a few of my lady items and I was all set.

I listened to music and wrote in my poetry book to kill some time, a knock came from my door as I got up and opened it to see Jenna's beaming face. "Hey were leaving lets get your stuff in the car." I nodded giving her a smile and grabbing my suit case and headed down.

"Erm which car?" I asked. "You'll be riding with me" said a husky voice, I didn't need to turn to know who it belonged to. Asher.

I cursed to myself as I turned to face him, he had changed into a grey hoodie that hugged his torso just fine and his hair was stayled messy as usual. He wore jeans and coverse. I glared at him as he took my stuff and put them into his black Mustang.

"A-anyone else riding with us?" I asked gulping I could feel my cheeks turn red. He turned to face me closing in on me as she leaned down and whispered. "Nope just you and me darling" I glared into his eyes that held a humorus gaze. I cursed at myself again before turning away to get Jenna.

"Jenna please don't let me go in that car with him!" I pleaded in a whinny voice as she rolled her eyes. "Hey anyone would kill to be in your position" she snapped with a giggle. I bit my toungue as she shoved me towards him, "Hey it's only a 8 hour drive" My eyes widened at her. "NO!" She nodded and shot me a evil grin.

"Let's go" He said smiling evilly as he opened the door for me, I slipped in and muttered a thank you. He got into the driver's side and exited out the drive way as many of the pack cars started to follow us. 

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